File this under Hilariously awful government expenditures....(Protect ya Noggin')

This is actually real -
The US consumer product safety comission - I dare say paid a pretty penny to produce this “dope rap song y’all” - about protectin’ yer noodle…

I shit you not.
I misspoke - it’s AN ALBUM
I dare say I doubt I’ll endure the duration of it.
I didn’t make it past the 30 second mark.

I bet this was a huge grant - I gotta know the funding deets.



In these streets
Protect your n-n-noggin
In these street


First things first
Let me tell you what the issue is
When you’re in these streets
Gotta stay vigilant
Check the stats, there’s been way too many injured heads
From riding round without nothing on protecting them
But we can do better
I’mma put my helmet on then go zoom, yea yea
Sitting flat up on my head real evenly
Low on my forehead, yall ain’t seeing me


When I fly by
I’mma wave hi then bye
Don’t forget to strap it on tight
Who’s in
Let’s skate, let’s scooter, let’s bike
Choosing to do this thing right


When you’re in these streets, (in these s-s-streets)
Take caution (Caution!)
Protect your neck and your noggin
When you’re in these streets, (in these s-s-streets)
Take caution (Caution!)
Protect your neck and your noggin
When you’re in these streets, (in these s-s-streets)
Take caution (Caution!)
Protect your neck and your noggin
When you’re in these streets, (in these s-s-streets)
Take caution (Caution!)
Protect your neck and your noggin


Ok let me flip scripts
Kick push, then I kick flip
I can do this all wearing lipstick
I got on a sick fit
Just one more accessory
Let me pick the helmet that will tie it all together please
I aint playing football
That aint what I put on
Right tool for the right job
Watch me cook yall
When able, check the label
They tell you if it’s approved
It’s that easy


When I fly by
I’mma wave hi then bye
Don’t forget to strap it on tight
Who’s in
Let’s skate, let’s scooter, let’s bike
Choosing to do this thing right


When you’re in these streets, (in these s-s-streets)
Take caution (Caution!)
Protect your neck and your noggin
When you’re in these streets, (in these s-s-streets)
Take caution (Caution!)
Protect your neck and your noggin
When you’re in these streets, (in these s-s-streets)
Take caution (Caution!)
Protect your neck and your noggin
When you’re in these streets, (in these s-s-streets)
Take caution (Caution!)
Protect your neck and your noggin


Replace the helmet after any impact to the helmet
Helmets are one-time use products and impacts can decrease their effectiveness
You may not even see damage
Cracks in the shell, worn straps, and missing pads or parts are also reasons to replace a helmet


When you’re in these streets, (in these s-s-streets)
Take caution (Caution!)
Protect your neck and your noggin
When you’re in these streets, (in these s-s-streets)
Take caution (Caution!)
Protect your neck and your noggin
When you’re in these streets, (in these s-s-streets)
Take caution (Caution!)
Protect your neck and your noggin
When you’re in these streets, (in these s-s-streets)
Take caution (Caution!)
Protect your neck and your noggin


Strong Rebecca Black vibes

For a minute I thought maybe they uncovered an early 90's will smith unreleased gem...

OMFG - I just made the mistake of looking up “Rebecca Black”
I feel as though my eyes were just stabbed by Disney Rap needles.

I would give anything to take back the last 5 minutes of my life.
Kill me NOW


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I love that you’ve managed to go this long without encountering Ms Black, I want to study how you live


idk, with that as your reference this album is a 9.5/10

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we’ll we’re curious now. post the deets when you figure it out.

idk, i may have to downgrade to 7.5/10 after this one.

48 year old former golf professional that lives alone - my son is 22 & a little prick – & ALL of the music I consume these days comes from UK DJs

< edit> IFINALLY got a board yesterday - scored a virtually new Evolve GTR for 6 hundo w less than 200 miles on it & not a fkn scratch.
I have burned through 30 miles already & realized I can run at damn near 20 miles per hour when i inadvertently hit the brakes with my weight too far forward.
Usain bolt would clapped his ass off before laughing his ass off…

BUT - I managed to stay upright by some miracle.
I need a fkn helmet i think.
Music wise though - to further the reply to why I have never heard of rebecca black - THIS >> is the type of shyat i am into for the most part. I also haven’t owned a television since '06. (nor had cable/netflix or any other tripe - save for a disney stint before I found I could watch the Mandalorian a-la solarmovie.
And I dig cartoons. Also - single for 7 fkng years - so yeah - you could say i live in a bubble of sorts - one that doesn’t include disney rap needles in my eyes & ears. (except the “Owk House” kind - like i said - cartoons.

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Helmets are not optional.