Fastest hub/dd board for max €2500

One of the pulleys could be made uncentered for example, resulting in tension changes in the belt and causing a snap.

Just be a bit more thorough, maybe you will learn a thing or two.


Would 265mm not be too long though and which ones should I pick?
You can see in the second image below how the 255mm sits


u can’t use any length belt, it will have to be 255


Why wouldn’t I be able to use 260?
The 255 ones are too tight and they break all the time?

u can try, and let us know the result, but i can predict that it will skip like crazy

there is a reason why exway store doesn’t sell any other belt except 255

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I guess I should just buy the hub kit for the Flex instead.

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Wow, V2 riot really has no belt tension adjusting? Very lame. Yeah, 265 might be too long then :confused: (You would want the Gates belts though)


Still seems weird to be going through that many belts so quickly. Maybe there’s a burr on the pulleys that’s cutting into the belts?


Zealot has no adjustability either. I think it’s the same mounts. Though I have 1200km on original belts.

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No idea, try pm the seller and ask :slight_smile: Just saw the ad right after I read your post so figured it should be mentioned :slight_smile:

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Another thing to double check.
How are the teeth on the motor and wheel pulley?
If they are worn down and razor sharp that eats belts for breakfast.

And how wide are your belts? Problem with narrow belts is that once you get a sharp/big enough rock in between the pulley and belt. If that gets pushes into the belt and breaks a few fibreglass/steel strands there is now not a lot of belt left and you likely snap the thing. If the belt is super wide to begin with you still have a lot of meat left in the belt even though there is a nice hole/rip in it.

It’s a stock Exway Flex.
it’s been this way since I received it from them.
255-15-5M belts is what I’ve used.

I have exway flex i am use aliexpress Belts.

This is better an softer.
You can the Belt strong and soft. Exway flex have tension.

I bought the Onsra BC2 DD for 1700EUR. I’m a rather chonky boy at 115kg and get 35km on 115mm gummies. A lighter fellow on thane or clouds could get 50km. As for speed, it might be able to hit 50km/h on 120mm clouds, but on DKP’s going above 30 is pretty sketchy for me. I feel like the board is made more for agility than speed as it easily turns on a dime, even at 40km/h, if you let it. As with all DD’s, be extra sure you won’t want AT or small PU wheels. And learn to ignore banged up motor cans.


The belt tension adjustment is minimal and I hated it so I sold it.