In other words it adds a lot of functionality for third-party features and accessories which should not take up resources on the vesc itself.
(I mean a lot of it is refloat-package related)
I apologize that are still some assembly unfriendly stuff on the board. The 12V connector should really be moved here. A longer current path, but … in the name of user friendliness.
In fact, it is “very unfriendly”

I have never tested if it’s possible to have two boards with only one power board. That would be easy to test and implement if I moved it into a multi connector alignment.
I mean why not add a possibility to add the c3 on the new designed power board, so the vesc itself could be more or less the same and its also possible (if you don’t need it) to leave this space empty (pitching the vesc express )
Good link on “Endless Sphere”.
So this is where the foc’king balance gets difficult. Because is this a full-blown Vesc, or is it a motor driver board that is Vesc compatible while still supporting fully custom FOC firmware developments.
So how can we make foc’king users life in the vesc soup easy with things like Vesc Express, while the board is still just an independent simple motor driver?
I will check the Vesc Express thing, and have a think… (at some point in time )
I mean the vesc express is just connected to the can bus, so its def. an add-on which not everyone needs. (also if you are not using a vesc firmeware).
So it should not change the basic design a lot, but it would be great if it could be mounted somewhere If anyone likes to have it.
thats what I was thinking
At the moment I just used doublesided tape and glued the TJA1050 board with the C3 on VESC, which works but is not that clean
Yes, make life easier… I will try to think about how to fit it somewhere - I would also like to make room for NRF51822. We need a kind of Universal Connector that will fit anything…
Is it possible to stack it ontop of the “pill” in the machine pin slots already there? Guess not. Hmm. Vesc Express adapter board? I will need to examine the vesc express board, because my knowledge of it is very limited. Dimensions of blah blah you know. If you have suggestions
the most basic and wide available parts for the VESC Express are this 2 components:
thats a solution an adapter board:
i mean it would need 5V , G and CAN . so in short 4 pins.
that could work
So the TJA1050 chip could be implemented on this expansion board as a CAN expansion shield or just a passthrough for rx/tx and you could add the BT module or a waveshare esp32-c3 (other other serial or CAN modules).
So the FOC-KING stays as a motor driver only and you can add stuff as you like.
I see, didn’t know about the basic library thing so I thought it was an easy fix.
I think in a worst-case scenario the resistors would act as fuses and fail open circuit, so it’s fine if it works. You could also leave the footprints unpopulated, and have the snubbers as an option.
Maybe VESC Express can connect to the VESC via the UART port (TX/RX pins)? Then you just need a cheap adapter pcb ontop of the already present Machine Headers. Should be pretty easy.
Just a PCB. You can get 5 for $7 at jlcpcb. Or if you want to do some manual sawing, you can get 5 x 10 for $7.
If you are really hardcore, you should be able to attach it usb-to-usb, but you would then loose the ability to connect the vesc tool through USB - but if you have wifi, then what do you need usb for? I guess you would just need to remove usb from hwconf in vesc and then configure it as uart ??? - and do something similar on the vesc express. Just thinking loud…
I really think an expansion board via the pin headers is the best solution. The only thing which could be a bit inconvenient is that i would need a small connector cable to the canbus connector (because on the PILL there is no CAN).
I guess i could change the source that the VESC Express can works with an UART but I mean this UART can be used for as VESC BMS so I like to stick with CAN on the VESC Express.
I am late to the party, but feel free to reference my schematic for vesc express, it is based on the supermini esp32-c3 boards widely available on aliexpress. I have 5V buffers for addressable leds and everything
Sorry, I’ve been busy for some time. On holiday, work for money, listening to the constant media flow of outrageous lies of the president of the United Gulf of America, etc. etc.
Finally, I managed to test the momentary switch, which I have previously simulated, and it works flawlessly.
There is a minor error (unfortunately) in the circuitry of the automatic shutdown functionality, which means that I likely have to order a batch of the “Power Board” and “Main Board”. The “pill” is ok (MCU).
I will put everything on github when I receive this fix from the People’s Republic of China (I actually kinda started to like China lately - more than “you know which country”. Yeah, it’s crazy times to find yourself starting to lean towards China…)
I case anyone ended up with too much money this month, you can still buy me a cup of coffee via Paypal. Not something I expect, but in case, then you are more than welcome
So from the pin headers you need:
- +5V
- +3.3V (for CAN driver)
And then on the adapter board you need another CAN driver, like a copy of the driver already on the FOC_KING, which is the TJA1051T/3/1J.
Also on the adapter board you need traces to:
- CAN tx
- CAN rx
- What is needed for powering the TJA1051T/3/1J
Correct ?
What I’m talking about is to create a 4th module in the area marked with red. An Vesc Express Adapter Module.
(Maybe just as an option - with separate gerbers)