F-Of-C - open-source Free-Of-Charge vesc6 board in development. Schematics available

Looks good, a slot for the stm32 board USB port on the side would be a plus.

The time has come to rename this project. FOCKING has been a working title, but it’s a name cannot be taken serious by anyone, and this project has slowly got more and more serious.

A serious name could be something like FREE-DRIVE, and unless someone comes up with an knock-out alternative name, I’m going for FREE-DRIVE.


Or “FreeKing” is freakin’ awesome! … ? nah…

Cranked it up to 100 amps today, but ducks got in the way…


The servo is PWM, not PPM

On some vescs it probably is pwm, but I know for sure that on the Vesc 6 75 it says “PPM”.

In official vesc terminology it’s called PPM (pulse position modulation), but if you measure it with an oscilloscope you will see a 50Hz PWM signal. (pulse width modulation) Where the on time changes between 1 and 2 millisec depending on the throttle input. There’s no actual pulse position modulation happening.

Although it says PPM on Vesc 6 75, I think I will go back to what it used to be a few weeks ago - PWM. It makes more sense in a non remote control RF world.

FREE-DRIVE is not a Vesc - it’s a general drive for robotics, wind turbines, electric vehicles, and it happens to be vesc compatible, because every 3-phase bridge with shunts and op-amps in combination with a stm32f405 mcu is “vesc compatible”. So should not depend on vesc terminology.

Vesc is about SOFTWARE


VESC is labeled wrong. Look at it on the oscilloscope.

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I think you should call it whatever you want.
The fact that in less than a year you have gone from first post to working hardware AND open sourced it AND vesc compatible AND jlcpcb stocked parts, ticks all the boxes for my needs.
This will be my next build once my MP2 build is done.

Major kudos and thanks.


Or just call it “servo”



Warp Reactor Driver

I my latest builds I went with only 6 Fets. This will be fine for most applications, I think. So this is also an option if you want to keep the price down, and you only need “moderate” power. Chinese Newyear… - still waiting for boards

The guys behind the MP2 are my heroes… All design decision on the board seems to be so very well considered - and documented.


Which FEts did you end up using?

I already ordered original FOC KING Boards :wink:


I wanted to get the “NCEP039N10” but they take to long to get, so I will get the “595-CSD19506KCS” (they are only 80V) .