Exway riot pulleys

Damn…I guess I’d need to buy a pair of bearings and take the hangar to a lathe? Fingers crossed it’s another 608

Nah this is for my personal board. Gonna run the Popocas with the Janux pulleys you sent because they are way better quality

It’s ABEC core though right?

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I would guess it’s one of those skate bearings with the shoulders on it

Got the code for them?

Gave all mine away.
@b264 probably knows


I think it’s called a F608-2RS? Looks about right

I have a set I may be willing to sell. They use a double bearing setup within the pulley so it really only works with there trucks so unless you modify another truck on a lathe to have the same sort of step down that they have on their trucks I don’t think they would work

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I got a pair of the BKB standard Cal II trucks from the Thanksgiving sale, I can get them lathed down but I don’t want to if I can avoid it…it’s terrifying now that the lathe is kinda fucked

Is it one of the prototype ones from the set you designed?

I have not been able to confirm that these are 5m belt profile but they look to be.

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The belts are HTD5M 11mm width according to the site so it’s the standard 5M profile for us…I’d assume they are 12mm pulleys if they run 11mm belt

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I see the bearing issue mentioned above though

Do you have the kit?


Hmm…I was thinking of replacing my aluminum ones for my ABECs with those…want aluminum? They weren’t playing nice with me so they’re cheap too

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Where they from?

Lol you sent that right as I PMd @Kellag

Tldr yeah probably would prefer push fit alu

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They are dickyho pulleys, the CNC aluminum ones with bolts and retention ring. 36T and 13mm width

Edit: I think I have the support bearing for them too?

That sounds like the Kegal ones he sells. I was only looking for flywheel pulleys. Just the kind of wheels I have.

Can’t find the bearings at the moment, might be at the house still


They’re probably worth the money to me. I currently only have one set of 40T bolt on flywheel pulleys.
Not sure I want to buy them this very second but interested yes.

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