Evolve motors with Stormcore, no torque

I’m not sure if running BLDC is safe on current FW. I don’t think many people test it / if Vedder pays any attention to keeping that mode alive and well. On the other hand, @Tony_Stark runs BLDC without issues I believe…


Just up the current during detection and it should run fine

On the contrary I am of the belief that FOC isn’t safe and BLDC is the choice for reliability and performance



Be suuuuuuuper careful with that balance port bro. Next time consider using a female socket to avoid sparky booms


Lmao what’s what I was thinking too - or at least put a cap on it haha

I tried switching to BLDC and got a hardware does not support this error.

:sob: what does @jaykup s dog haver to do with this

Ha good point. Does that come with a female panel mount? I’ll have a look around for one.

FTFY. I was actually more concerned about ripping it off on a speed bump. It sticks out a bit.

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You can definitely get female sockets,.

I used that exact connector on my madness build and got a rude surprise when i fumbled the metal cap into the port.

It was NOT a fun fix.


Interesting. Do you have the TLDR for this concern, or can you post links to a good thread explaining why?

I can only find male panel mounts in the GX20 line, do you have suggestions for a similar connector?

This looks sweet.

It’s going to take some kind of magic to turn a 19mm panel hole into a 12mm panel hole :face_with_peeking_eye:

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Yeah those are awesome but make sure you get them pre-wired. They are fucking expensive but super nice connectors.

I replaced mine with SP20

AU $4.00 | SP20 Waterproof Connector 2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/12/14 pin Automotive Rear-nut Cable Connector Male Plug Female Socket IP68


Thanks. I had seen the SD28 but that was a bit girthy for my enclosure. 13mm mount hole. Those pins must be even more fun to solder than the GX20 :face_with_monocle:

Lol gx20 is child’s play compared to that little connector. I solder every day and i wouldn’t be able to do it :sweat_smile:

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Would you use this as a charge port too? Just for faster charging. seems its rated for 25 amps

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Don’t see any reason why not.

this never gets old. It’s the same ending every time, but I love the stories where somebody discovers vesc based controllers for the first time and then ends up pissing their pants with excitement.

smooth as butter or hard as fuck, they do pretty much whatever you want.


If they decide to comply


What enclosure is that?