Evolve DKP to TKP

If the part exists I would be interested but this is more or less a question of does it exist. Some base plate to turn evolve DKP to TKP. Thanks in advance!

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have you tried removing the middle section? Theres a chance the baseplate it has could work.

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Yes, most china brand that sells DKP and TKP will have the TKP baseplate that lets u convert the DKP to TKP. Only downside is, u can’t lower the ride height, it will remain same height as when it was DKP

I know meepo sells the TKP baseplate alone, not sure about other brand tho

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I ran mine without the middle part, and it was not a too bad.

You could remove the middle piece as mentioned above.

Or if you want split angles (not entirely sure what the angles are) then B-one has these. I used them to convert my dkp to tkp and they have been working well.


45 front 30 rear. Gotta be best bang for buck setup there is


Did you have evolve DKP? Just wanna make sure it’ll fit.

Why not just try it?

I didn’t have evolve dkp specifically. But evolve uses the same generic dkps most of the china-based companies use. The B-One baseplates will work.

I used these tkp baseplates with flipsky 15in hangars and they work perfectly.


Evolve, onsra, all of em will fit