!!! EVO FALCON 14S8P w/ STORMCORE 100D Complete PRICE DROP !!!!

Correction… It isn’t riding slow, its slow motion! LOL


Tortoise now as well, but was never really a speed demon anyway. Certainly not going 50mph with a badass 14s setup.

Just recovering from Covid, so I have to take things easy for a good bit.

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Hopefully your symptoms were mild. Take care of yourself, life is too precious…


Yeah, shots and boosters saved my ass for sure. But taking a long time to get my wind back.

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My whole family went through it. Four people in my household had COVID but somehow I never got it. I highly recommend Kratom! That herb has done wonders! And there are soo many strains for different things (Health, Energy, Focus, Pain, relaxation). It has been a life saver for my health (literally). Feel free to text me if you are interested in knowing more, you should still have my info. Take care bud, chat soon!


Appreciated. Stay strong, dude!


Damn, another lurker/forum noob here but I would have snatched this up if it wasn’t already gone. Best of luck on your recovery, and congrats to the new owner. Killer board.

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It out me into cardiac arrest, any takers?
:raising_hand_man: Said the whole forum

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