Build of the Year 2023 Official - Nominations (SERIOUS)

My expectations for the process and professionalism have skyrocketed with the elevation.

Hey y’all. Since this is the official BOTY 2023 nominations thread, I’m going to tag a few more vendors that have participated in past years. We have some pretty amazing prizes donated to the prize pool already.

A few quick notes on how prizes will be awarded and distributed.

  • There is a prize pool this year, not strict prize packages for #1, #2, #3 etc. BOTY winners will select prizes from the prize pool. I will coordinate this. Yes this is more work for me, but the prize pool ensures that winners receive prizes that they can/will USE. No sense receiving a 12s ESC, if you only do 20s builds, etc…
  • If you donate a prize, please be prepared to ship it within your country.
  • If a BOTY winner selects a prize from a donator in another country, they will be expected to cover the cost of international shipping.
  • Specific prizes will be called out and recognized once prizes are awarded. For now, the prizes are being kept under wraps - the focus of this nomination thread is builds :grin:
  • As the number of prizes grows - the winners circle of people who get a prize pick will also increase. You might see 10+ people getting a prize pick this year. (#1 could be a brand new deck, and #10 could be anti-sink plates, but you get the idea).

Vendors, if you are excited about Build of the Year and would like to participate in the prize pool, please DM me, and I’ll add you to my excel spreadsheet :slight_smile:

@eBoosted @John-Spintend @hoytskate @JJHoyt @RipTideSports @Savage1 @tomiboi @Boardnamics @PropulsionBoards @BigBen @Lee_Wright @Tony_Stark @moon @XBoard @ShutterShock @YUTW123 @Ean.esk8 @Trampa @MBS @Skyart @janpom @rpasichnyk @3DServisas @Madesk8 @mackann @DerelictRobot @abusfullofnuns @hummieee @defiantboardsociety @longhairedboy


I can’t believe nobody has nominated this yet.

@Linny - your single motor experiment was one of my favorite threads this year. I think it is BOTY 2023 eligible, but correct me if I’m wrong.

Kushboard Pico, an even lighter build! | 121c Orbiter | BN 145mms Belt drive | 10s1p P42A | Mach 1s


YOU’RE WRONG, but ty for the nomination


One rule here that is worth highlighting. In order to be prize eligible, nominations MUST BE ACCEPTED.

@MatteoFPV @Sobrik3t @Mantas - this means you guys. Please comment in this thread to accept your nomination.

You can still win BOTY, but if you haven’t commented in this thread, you won’t get a pick from the prize pool.


@AlexB I nominate you - this build is sick!

OhMyKase! • First shorty kicktail build

Anyone who does this much dremeling/filing/sanding of BN mounts deserves recognition haha


It seems like most of us go through phases of hardcore building, getting burnt out, focusing just on riding, and then back to building again (fucking Al). It makes for a really unique flow of old school knowledge and newcomers ambition meshing into a steady flow of new builds. This was an off year for me but I think @AlexB @alankerr and @SquishyCat may be my top 3 new members based off of the builds, riding, and general forum interactions. You guys are pretty cool I guess.




I better see all your asses in Portland this year for Carve 2024. This includes you @Venom121212


What happens in Portland, stays in Portland


Haha thanks for the kind words and the nomination! OhMyKase was a cool little build. I’d @alankerr made some damn build threads he’d be getting nominated for a few of his builds… get on it!! :laughing:

I’ll be at esk8con this year at least


Yeah my therapist keeps calling it mania I just call it DIY.


Ah shit, I kept thinking to myself “There is someone else who joined that I like that just has a default profile pic…”

It was you. Now go get a dang profile pic

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Better? :grin:

Share a pic in this thread and I’ll get you up in the noms post.

I gave you a fancy top hat



So stoked to be nominated. Thanks alot guys. There are so many crazy builds this year, i dont think i have a chance haha Luck to everyone🔥


Evos are a dying breed man. Basically a classic muscle car at this point :muscle:


I’m just here for the profile t bagging.

Relevant to the thread, many amazing builds here, I’m jealous.

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