Etoxx APS gear drive + 80mm motor option

Hello. For anybody with knowledge of EToxx and his direct drives, can anybody help me out in explaining his APS direct drive system that uses Alien power system motors. I heard some not so great things about the motors and wanted to know if it was possible to change the motors on that exact gear drive with different 80mm motors or Intel on what the most efficient 80mm from APS is. Are certain models better than other as I heard the 80100s werent great. Does anybody know if this is possible that I put better motors on this geardrive?. Thanks

Probably best to ask @NoWind directly? However, his gear drives are compatible with a variety of different motors if I am not mistaken.

I have tried but I have trouble understanding him. What I mean to say is that his APS drive says very specifically it was designed for APS motors. Wanted to know if other motors could be used on that exact geardrive and if so, which ones. Thanks for reply

What is APS?

Alien Power system. If you look on EToxx website, you will see the APS gear drive on main page. A 1:5 drive system.

Ok. As I said before, to my knowlegde you can also put other motors than the Aliens on the Etoxx gear drives, but best to ask him directly. I would be very surprised if he could not help you?

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I have been using theese drives and 80100 APS motors for a year now with great success. I estimate a run time of well over 3000km by now.

The 80mm APS specific drive is a mod of Etoxx original 1:5 drive, the difference is that the hole pattern for motor mounting is made for the APS 80mm motors (flipsky 80mm should also work, same factory)

If not modified the APS 8085 and 80100 won’t hold up for very long. The quality isn’t the best but the performance is great. If you go with theese I advice you to battle harden both the bell and the stator aswell as changing the big bearings. Also changing the phase cables is a good idea since it’s insulation isn’t very good. I simply used some extra crimp to further insulate the cables.

Oh and if you go 80100s you will need the etoxx truck extensions in order to fit the motors on a trampa hanger, this allows you to move the motor mounts further out from the centre of the hanger.


Do Maytech motors come allready battle hardened ? any ?

Leopard 8072 170kV. He’s had nothing but praise for them.

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Not really. Some do have a bit more epoxy than others around the magnets, but so far I haven’t seen any motor which came fully battle hardened out of production.

I‘m not 100% sure, but I think the mounting hole pattern is slightly different from APS motors, which means that they will not fit on the 80mm maxi drive.

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@NoWind to my knowledge been using a myriad of motor systems… Alien Power Systems, Leopard Hobby, Diamond GTX, Roxy, etc.



Actually yes, Dymond was another he had high praise for.


Everything is possible with the right adapter.
But if he bought the gear drive which is made specially for 80mm APS motors, it will just work with 80mm APS motors and motors which have the same hole pattern.
You can see on the leopard setup it is a 63xx gear drive with adapter between motor and gear drive


APS80 is build strictly for APS80, nothing else fits directly.
Its a pita that the boltpattern is not the same on other 80mm motors like Leopard/Maytech.
For this APS80 Geardrive i made an Adapter to mount 63mm Motors.
I have done this on request because many users got problems with APS motors.
As @Seabjorn pointed out the quality is not that good and needs alot improovements.


Thanks for all the replies. Il go through the battle hardening epoxy process and if something goes down, il get an adapter from @NoWind. Thanks all