My name is Thamer and we recently found a website for our Brazilian community, it is called Esk8 Brasil!!
If you are Brazilian or not, feel free to access our website and participate in our forum. The idea is to bring everyone together and make it easier to schedule events and even trading parts.
@Grozniy, você é brasileiro?? Entrei no seu perfil e vi sua localidade como Islândia haha
Obrigado também pela dica, vou trabalhar em cima disso para deixar um design um pouco menos exagerado. Fique à vontade para se cadastrar lá e nos ajudar sempre com feedbacks.
Grande Abraço!!
@Grozniy, are you Brazilian? I entered your profile and saw your location as Iceland haha
Thanks also for the tip, I’ll work on it to leave a little less exaggerated design. Feel free to sign up there and always help us with feedbacks.
@Pedrodemio inspired me to start building my electric skateboard, he also gave me his old trucks to encourage me even more.
Check out my board, this front Paris truck was a gift from @Pedrodemio, he is from the city I study in Brazil and for sure he is one of the most experts in our country!!