Yesterday I left my skateboard out at the doorstep and there was a windy rain which made the bottom of my skateboard (facing the wind) a bit wet, and since the skateboard was standing, some water eventually flowed into the “brain” of the skateboard.
I have a 4WD skateboard with two 2WD ESC connected together and my main ESC in the front suffered some damage.
After drying it, I am able to switch ON (which I wasn’t able to before), but I observe the following:
The charge display randomly jumps among different Volts
I can operate the skateboard with no load and only around 3-4km/h, because after that it switches off (like not having any juice)
operating it only works if the charger is connected, but it does not charge the batter at all
The battery is kinda fully charged and has a voltage of 40+ (and 41+V is when fully charged.
There is a third LED on the ESC that is lit up and blinking, and I don’t think it should be doing this - maybe an error LED?
the other ESC at the back does not seem to be affected, however, it is getting signals from the front one, so I cannot use it on its own
I upload some videos here, I hope they are visible.
I cannot edit my post, but the first video shows that the third LED blinking/lit up during switched-on or operation.
The second shows the charge display showing it is jumping all around and the charger connected is blinking (but no consistent red color to indicate the charge)
The third one is just a yet another video.
What do you guys think? Will it dry more and suddenly heals itself or I am probably screwed?
I am familiar with that smell and I don’t smell it.
I haven’t seen any sign of burnt connectors whatsoever either.
I haven’t clean it properly, just dried and use WD40 for the connectors. Shall I go through the whole panel with a toothbrush?
I had once in a while a wetted skateboard, but only caused some minor issues and drying and unplugging battery then plug back again reset everything. This time I might be screwed
And I cannot even simply buy a new ESC because it might not be programmed in the same way as this, sending signals to the other ESC, right? Anybody has an experience in this 4WD setup?
This one is something I saw too. I am just not sure about the performance. Is it the same as mine? I mean this Lingyi ESCs are all the same?
It looks like there is no “sync/signal” connector between the two panels. So, how do they work together in tandem? Do you pair your remote to both?
Furthermore, the main one of mines have a light switch control, three pin connector, where the battery volts are coming out and if I long-press the reverse button on my remote, it sends an enable signal on the third pin to a DC-DC converter that is connected to lights. It is a very cool feature, do all these have that?
This one is dope While the ESCs need to be switched on separately (unless using the roll and switch on feature), it is still great. And the 4wd can be switched 2wd.
Furthermore it has that light module I asked before
Thank you so much for sharing this URL. I saw this type of ESCs on aliexpress but didn’t know how to wire them.
If I can only buy a 2wd version but the remote is the same, can I just buy two of them and pair the remote with both?
Finally, it looks more waterproof than the pure Lingyi, although definitely not IP68
If you can remove the esc completely, soak it in isopropyl alcohol and toss it in an oven at low temperature. Hair dryer works fine too. The idea is to get whatever water/salt residue may be on the board flushed with alcohol and then dried clean.
I’ve saved wet circuit boards in the past doing this.
I checked my local offerings and i see 70 and 99%. Which one is better without harm?
And soaking means how long? Couple of minutes of deep dive is enuff?
Thanks i asked perplexity too. It said higher concentrate it better because less water is inside, meaning less chance of having water residue again but now from the cleaning. And a quick deep dive for second should be fine. Thanks again for the advice, i will do this
Lingyi makes these potted ESC’s for many prebuilt boards. Meepo being one, but not every meepo.
I have no idea if they are programmed the same at the factory or the slight or major differences which may or may not exist, nor what is possible in terms of pairing them to each other or remotes, nor anything regarding the lighting input output. The puaida site has the chatbot but pretty sure it will say you can jump everest, to make a sale.
Post super clear closeup pictures of the ESC circuit board (ideally both sides) and people here might be able to spot the issue.
Water damage normally leaves telltale signs, and everything is repairable with enough equipment and effort, although sometimes its out of reach of hobby repair.