Enertion - A Eulogy

You blew on it when your board arrived to announce to your neighbors that Enertion was raping you.


And then the whistle broke, right?


Neat, bless Deo!
What about hardware side?
Is it lost or Trampa will buy the design?

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Good article. I still to this day think the downfall of Enertion falls on the hub motors. They spent so much time trying to fix those things, I always felt he would have been more successful had he just stuck to belt drives. He already had the design together with the Raptor 1, he just needed to clean it up a bit with a better battery and design.


Many people, Jeff included I’d be willing to bet, will agree that the hardware is largely obsolete now unfortunately/fortunately. There’s so many good esc’s on the near horizon, exciting times.




Still riding my Raptor 1 on a different deck since 2016. Just recently upgraded to an R2 battery but apart from that never had any issues. It was just a great package which worked just well together. No Evolve or Boosted motor will last that long.


I was off the esk8 world for a while, what other new dual ESCs we’ve got?

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It was their only complete that was good…


@anorak234 Nice article, especially for those who weren’t around for the whole rise and fall of the Enpire. And while I agree that the Raptor hubs were probably the biggest issue, I’d like to see some mention of the early Unity firmware issues that injured some people, created some bad press & fear, and ultimately led to charge backs because of the next thing…the bullshit 20% “restocking fee” for things that most times weren’t ever “in stock” or delivered in a timely manner leading to frequent charge backs which should have just been simple refunds when enertion failed to deliver. IIRC, I think it was edit: @Lee_Wright who relayed Jason’s comments about a slew of Unity charge backs (~$60k) when early firmware issues arose, that Enertion was never able to recover from, although I don’t know how much truth there is to this, since Jason supposedly said it. But I’m pretty sure that most charge backs could have potentially been simpler refunds, but people didn’t want to pay 20% fees to restock products that probably didn’t even exist at the time. I wonder if Enertion could have survived the Raptor/hub issues if the other things hadn’t happened, but we’ll never know.


That’s a hard no bud. Jason is a fucking idiot and couldn’t survive with any type of competition around. It only takes a few minutes talking with him to know this. He’s not good at business. He never will be. The only way his company would’ve survived is if he took a business 101 course and hired a PR guy to take on the internet for him.


My favorite was Jason offering 10k for anyone to find a design flaw with his hubs. Hummie calls out 8mm axles will bend or snap. Proceeds to run over the raptor with his truck. Riders proceed to snap 8mm axles, switches to 10mm axles, riders proceed to snap those and he switches to 15mm? @hummieee never got his 10k


:rofl: Dude you are a persistent fellow, I hope @anorak234 ends up replying to you soon.


I did respond to @professor_shartsis, we just had a lot of off topic posts so I started a new thread. According to the reddit posts he found he was correct, hummie was in the game before carvon was. New Information to me. Also apparently some dude from 2007 beat everyone to the game. I should look at reddit more often.


i should get the 10k… i said it 4 months earlier… then got banned

^january 2017

^april 2017


No ones getting that money boys


I was just joking lol…
That dude from 2007 is Justin Le, he pays the bill for endless sphere hosting (at least last I checked he used to). That guy is like a mad scientist, check his other builds, weight sensing throttle control or balance boards he made those a long time ago.
He is an ebike vendor/builder, well respected one too.


I realize again that it is difficult to sell complete ESK8.
If one component is bad, ESK8 will not be completed.
Spend time and money on one bad part, destroying credibility.
I think his personality got worse in the process.
Sticking to the hub motor was the biggest mistake.


Not guilty. (This time)


@Mobutusan were you thinking of the interview that @Lee_Wright did with Jason at the Paris event last year?