Enertion - A Eulogy

This was an awesome read, thanks for putting all historic information together. For me it feels like a lifetime full of events and, even thought, they were not pretty, it shows the miss-steps that led to it’s doom.

From my own point to view, Jason Potter was the only one responsible to kill Enertion. You can tell when he denied responsibility, attacked people with different point of views, made fun of competition, threatened with lawsuits, didn’t respect collaborators and never accepted to be wrong on anything. having a company owner like this is a recipe for disaster.

Nevertheless, I still think the Unity is still the best piece hi-tech equipment we ever had on this hobby and I hope it could be replicated sometime in the future.

RIP Enertion


I wanna hug Jason for bringing me into esk8 and then punch him straight in the throat for being such a “Jason”

thanks for the well written article @anorak234

Enertion from :hearts:to :poop:


I think the 50k patent costs killed him off


That’s what I got

When I started my first build I drooled over the Raptor 1 but couldn’t justify the cost not knowing what I was getting in to. Eventually I found a beat up one and after a few rebuilds of it, this is the Raptor I really like. RIP


Wrong! I got one of these elusive whistles, willing to sell it for $200, you know, for the community. Will donate $12 of those dollars to the patreon.


I’m soooo happy that 2014-2016 are over with. :beers:

I too have a rape whistle and carbon fiber 4 month late money clip…


Ha weak

200 +shipping no refunds

20 dollars to esk8 news :kissing_heart:

Enertion W.A.S.P and T-shirt


Good article Ben, some comments.

While it did come to an end it might be worth mentioning that not the planned end. The tail end of the tour was cancelled and no one was told. People were turning up for planned meetups just to find no enertion presence. Noice.

We’ve subsequently figured out what the issue was, I’ve circled it for you here.


Never heard this, but par for the course.


Thanks for the article. Sad times.

Noooo “winning” remote


Good catch.


Thank you everyone for the comments and support. With an article this detailed I was bound to make a few mistakes.

It’s also been pointed out to me by @jamie that I made an error in stating that the vendor bashing policy came to be as a result of disputes with Jason.

I’ll have access to my computer later tonight where I’ll update the article. The goal was always to make this as accurate as possible and that’s entirely what I plan to do. In the meantime, I believe @BillGordon and @jamie are making a few corrections here and there as well. Team work makes the dream work!

(Apparently several people received the wasp whistle so I’ll update that too)


Meh, it’s already a good article, a few little points don’t matter.

Did you link to the poll in there at all? I didn’t check all the links.


No, I didn’t link to the poll. My links citing evidence for the “Enertion is dead” opinion were mostly taken from the Unity thread but I can add a link to that too since it’s about as quantitative as it gets.

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I had at one point about a dozen of those whistles that got promptly thrown away.

Did I trash these collectables?


Does that mean support for existing UNITY owners is gone too?
Is there anyone who will continue working on firmware?

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@Deodand built the unity and has made progress with @Trampa and Ben Vedder to continue support for it through the official vesc app.

This is highly commendable as he simply doesn’t need to, it’s not his burden to carry really.


Ok I’ll ask it. What the fudge is the whistle for?


You blew on it when your board arrived to announce to your neighbors that Enertion was raping you.