EMTB Build Log | Custom gear drives | Stormcore | 12S6P P42A | Haero Bro |

Starting with a really solid base! Great choice of parts. You’ll definitely enjoy it. The Bro + Matrix combo is pure magic.

I’m in the midst of tuning a very similar build, and I’m a similar weight, so let me know when you get there if i can help.

What hardness shock blocks are you running? The stock orange may not be enough. At the least i highly highly suggest adding a second nut to the matrix kingpins - they are notorious for coming loose and creating speed wobbles when you least expect.

I’d be very surprised if your final board weight comes in under 20kg, but maybe you have stronger legs than i do!

I have similar footpads in 100% infill. I’m curious about your feedback on these

gyroid ftw