Pay entry fee. Race on boards provided for the event by those manufacturers? ?
It sounds pretty fun tbh
A true stock class with everyone on the same board would be a hoot. Maybe a couple weight classes would be in order.
I think it still counts…?
As far as I understand it has to be for sale, purchasable
Could be wrong
I think that’s something that could be changed, esk8 products don’t get slower and less powerful over time, no reason to punish someone for having an old product when they are already at a disadvantage
It’d be the highlight of the race season for me!
Heads up they just added one wheel racers and are looking to fill that category.
Got some press released today! I can’t share a link here but check out globalnewswire for the article.
We will be filming a reality show for the race series! Going to be epic.
I have confirmed backfire is going to send me 4 boards for anyone that wants to race the stock class and hasn’t signed on for mod or pro yet. I believe I’m getting 2 hammers and 2 zealot X. ( I need some help getting them delivered if there’s anyone local to Phoenix, who wants to help out receive the boards and bring them to the expo.)
No real new info, but here it is.
I’m local to Phoenix and so is @dskate . He’s also a YouTuber tho so might be a good move cause he’s used to it.
Can you shoot me a dm to coordinate?
Confirmed and Already shipped. I have 2 Backfire Zealot X and 2 Backfire Hammer Sledge (2wd) for anyone to race in the stock class!! If you’re not registered to race yet you have no excuse now!! Shoot me a message if you want to race one of these boards so I can lock you in and reserve the board for you for the weekend. You can also email me at
Wow, this is awesome!
I say so! Backfire is awesome.
Hey Brad I can’t wait for my kit to come in the for 4wd Sledge btw!! Should arrive monday!
What’s the difference between the events that have a colored lightning bolt and the ones that are black-and-white?
th lightningbolts are the electrify expo events where there’s also electrify race league events. the others are no race only expo.
Damn that sucks, was going to do Austin. Welp maybe nyc
Bring it on!!! NYC is going to be fun. October is a great time of the year. If you stay the whole week the broadway bomb is on the 19th!!