No pictures?
When i do the other ones… I kinda scratched the hell out of the first wheels (when i did them the second time)
They do however have… I’m going to call it very light glitter within them
@Venom121212, how long did it take to dye the wheels. It’s been in there for an hour but still no cigar.
Looking good! I’m about to do a clear Hoyt puck if usps would deliver my damn RIT dye already
About 45 minutes to an hour. Did you use dish soap and vinegar as directed?
For deeper colors, it is recommended to double the amount of dye used while keeping the water, dish soap, and vinegar the same.
Sorry to let you know about this now, but all purpose cannot dye a few plastics, only synthetic can. All purpose does urethane well, but polyethelene rubber (PET) and coated nylon plastics don’t tend to take the all purpose well, only really synthetic.
This is the opposite of what the bottle says and what I’ve found to be true of these hubs.
The synthetic version is for synthetic fabrics that don’t take traditional dyes well. Wife and I make a loooooot of t-shirts and sublimate often enough to know which fabrics play nicely with what. Synthetic all purpose is for polyester and acrylic based stuff.
Someone on here tried to use the synthetic and it did almost nothing. All purpose is what you want, it even lists nylon on the bottle. True, it’s meaning nylon fabrics but nylon is nylon and I got perfect results using the all purpose version, doubling the dye.
I trust your experience, but I’ll double-test my theory. I dye my remotes, and the all purpose doesn’t take, only synthetic
And you’re positive your remotes are molded nylon?
I did use soap and vinegar and I also used the whole bottle in just 4cups of water but I think the issue is that I am not heating the water hot enough. I am taking it slightly beyond 60C. I am scared that the nylon would warp if I do it a temp just below boiling. What heat did you use?
They’re not nylon, its a rubber plastic. But all purpose won’t dye it, synthetic will. It might also be ABS which isn’t effected by all purpose but is by synthetic.
“all purpose”
LoL methinks they not know what these words mean
I didn’t use a temp gun or anything. Just brought it to boil and then reduced to just below that.
@Anubis if it’s plastic based, then definitely use a synthetic. If you’re unsure and it’s a material that starts with poly, synthetic is generally made for it.
So my temp was the issue. I just put the pan on the lowest setting and let hubs stew in for hours and this was the result:
Beautiful! Glad they worked out for you finally.
Just looked through and every Rit Dye More product seems to be shipped from the US. What did you peep in the EU do?
btw. awesome writeup and thanks to everyone for sharing their experiences !
I used ebay