🦆 Duck Battery Systems - DIY Supply Webshop

I LOVE these nickel shapes!! Ben. Ben my main man. I’m building a 12s3p any day. Been on your site looking for them 3p 18650 nickel cutouts. Is there a small chance those’ll be made available in the very near future?? Puh-leeeeeeeez?

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Unfortunately the 3p 21700 is further down the road, we dont have plans to open a mold for it in the near future :cry:

I really want to get all of these shapes (and more) in production ASAP, but mold fees are really tough. There has to be enough demand to justify it, and right now that means that we have to have plans to use it for our production batteries, as we arent doing a whole lot of business on our DIY stuff at the moment :pensive:

Once our DIY battery materials sales start to ramp up, we can justify new shapes for the DIY crowd.


How efficient is die-cutting vs. laser cutting and what made you choose the first route?


Where are the 12S4P PCB’s hiding at? I only see the single P group PCB’s.

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Die-cutting is significantly more efficient, and therefore less expensive. Laser cut nickel usually ends up being more than twice as expensive per-piece as die-cut.

They are not currently live, we are waiting on the last few items to come in so that we can start putting kits together. We will no longer be selling the KitPCB components individually, as that creates a huge stockkeeping headache.


@DuckBatterySystems if it’s worth anything as a vote for future manufacturing - I’m currently looking to buy a 21700 5p nickel strip and PCB.

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Comprehensive PCB Battery Kits are finally live! These include nearly EVERYTHING needed to complete a powerful, robust, reliable 12s battery. We have included every single material that makes sense to add, so buying our kit takes all the guesswork out of battery building.

An updated build guide is coming soon, along with several other KitPCB layouts.


@DuckBatterySystems any plans to restock the xt90 mounting panel?


Yep, restocking soon.


New nickel came in! :partying_face:

We got an updated 4p shape (better fitment, slightly more cross-sectional area, longer slots for locating the positive terminal of your cells), a 6p shape, an 8p shape, and a 9p shape!

The 6p and 8p are designed to fit perfectly in all of our 21700 KitPCB’s, so you can seamlessly add more cells to the existing designs.

The 9p is designed to fit an upcoming 16s3p PCB :shushing_face:

To celebrate the arrival of this new nickel, our old nickel stock is on sale! We slashed our already low price for the 4p 18650 and 4p 21700, so we can move the stock and make room on the shelf for the new stuff.

The new shapes are all live (except the new 4p, which will take the place of the existing 4p when we sell out) at the links below:

Before anyone asks, yes these new shapes are pretty expensive. In case you didn’t hear, the global nickel market got hit by the now-universal COVID-related price hikes, and then inflation hasn’t helped. All that to say, raw nickel’s price shot through the roof, and all us battery builders are unfortunately feeling the effects. Our profit margins at DBS have NOT increased, because price gouging is super lame. And as always, if you are interested in purchasing any of our items in bulk, please reach out and we will be happy to discuss quantity discounts :grin:

Thanks for reading!


Amass connectors restocked!


New PCB Battery Kit options!

With the new nickel shapes that just arrived, its now easier than ever to make a high-capacity esk8 battery! When purchasing your battery kit, now you can just select the size of pack that you want to build, and we will include the necessary nickel shapes.

Hope this is helpful!

P.S. @rafaelinmissouri just gonna tag you real quick since you asked about this.


The 12S4P I built with your PCB kit was by far my favorite battery building experience.
I hate builiding batteries and they freak me out and take me 50 hours…
but the PCB man… oh. that was so good.

Still going strong in my Khymera.


long shot here, but will u plan to do 18650 pgroup pcb? im interested in some


We have them!

We have 18650 CompactPCB and FlexPCB kits here:

And we have 18650 P-Group PCB’s here:

Thanks for your question Michael!


sweet baby jesus, i love u. will make the order once i have the config plann out, u can send on ups?


Yep! You should be able to select whichever shipping option you want at checkout :grin: If there’s any issue, PM me and I’ll get it worked out for you.


will do!


Seeing this makes me want to keep building packs. Need some more esk8 friends! :joy:


Whoa :exploding_head: I might want to do my first pack…