Donating 10s6p 30Q - Lacroix Prototipo battery - McLean - Tysons Corner - VA

Hey - i bought an old Lacroix Prototipo, but as i need to bring this to Brazil, i am leaviing the 6p battery modules behind.

So willing to donate to whoever can pick this up.

I have cut the modules, they all seems fine in terms of voltage. I did not measure all of them, but the ones that i have, they had all 3.7ish. They seem fine.

Send me a message, its free its just a matter to be near to pick it up.


Safe travels to you dude! Really kind of you to donate this


Bump bump.

Bump bump - leaving tomorrow. Last call.

I would take these off your hands if I lived nearby but don’t plus you won’t have time to ship em to me as I’m in the UK.

DHL + UPS def ship abroad tho

Perhaps send them to yourself in Brazil if no nearby takers

All good, we got a new home for these mid-life batteries that def still have some steam.

@Jbrk - enjoy!


Just got them picked up! Can’t wait to get them set up again!

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Thats great news…send some pictures.

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