DIY Evo 36" Campus commuter build single sk3 2x zippy 8000mah

I built this board a while ago after browsing the forums without an account so I’m finally getting around to a build thread. I’d like to get some opinions on it and I was wondering if anyone has done something similar with their enclosure. Parts list 2x zippy 5s 8000mah 30c lipos, Tb vesc, remote, and motor mounts, 184mm caliber2 44deg trucks, sk3 6374 192k . I do not have a bms for charging so I have to remove the batteries and it takes forever. The enclosure is just scrap wood made into a box and screwed to the board with a lexan lid. I had acrylic as the lid at first but it cracked after a few months of use.

IMG_2428 IMG_2429 .


I did have the micro usb port break on my remote so I spliced a connector on it so I could charge it with my main lipo charger. Unfortunately all I had lying around was a xt90


Cool build! How is the battery life/range with the LiPos for you? I’m probably going to use similar on the AT board I am building.

That remote is great :joy:

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You may want 2p of these for an AT board, they probably wouldn’t last long enough with the elevated amp draw offroad

  1. lmao you should post that to the shitty DIY thread
  2. that’s pretty smart, not gonna lie

Those zippy batteries are huge and the ground clearance is minimal I wouldn’t use them for an AT unless you plan on going top mount for the batteries. The battery life is great for a street board I easily get 16 miles per charge.

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I was thinking 12 Ah, yes top mount. I want big torque and they’re 12-24C which was better than the 18650s I think. Idk what the discharge ratings are on those batteries tho

The 8000mah I am using are 30c constant and having 4 will take up a considerable amount of space but having 600 watt hrs would be nice.

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