Ride the beep yeah he has practice that a lot. He did say he felt out comfort zone trying to keep up. I ride a Gotway Msp I just put my push back to 30mph
This is the next Frame I’m building For a friend, it’s about 20 pounds heavier than my blue kart it has full suspension. I’m going to use two 6380 170 torque board motors, two torqueboard vesc 6, and I believe he wanted a 12s7p square pack using p42a cells. This one is going to look cleaner because I’m 3d printing a box that will have all the holes for motor wires heatsink and etc
I need to stop following your thread man. It makes me hate not having welding equipment every damn time.
If there was a solid bare frame easily available and you/someone made motor mounts for it, my wallet would commit seppuku
I kinda want to make my own frame with mounts and sell it.
Shipping would be really shitty though I’d imagine.
I’d find some solid cart bases that are available enough to the public (if that exists ) and design mounts around the most common types.
You seem to have a good knowledge of the bones of the carts, I’m just spit balling from a distance
Yeah man if you can find something similar to my blue kart let me know. The goal is to be able to put ebike throttles on the steering handles. And two motors in the rear.
Exactly how my son’s razor cart is setup and I’m going for an adult version so that’s perfect.
I was looking at your lineup of carts and was thinking to myself, they need suspension.
Next you should do a four-wheel-drive one with big knobby tires for off-roading
My green one has full suspension with 10 inch travel !!!