different rating bushing

hello again fellow e-skaters I came to the forum for a weird question. So I’ve been looking at some bushings to buy recently and a weird idea came to mind. Is it possible to run different bushing ratings on the bottom set of the trucks rather then running all 4 on the same rating. I thought of this because I’ve been have speed wobble and i known then and there i had to get a stiffer bushings. but i didn’t want to lose the “surf” like feel. any info would be great :slight_smile:

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Totally! Do you have dkp?

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i do not sadly i use calibar 2 trucks

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No big deal, just wondering since you mentioned 4 bushings. I usually run soft/medium bushings at a 10 wedge up front on rkp weather it be esk8 or not. And then depeneding on the set up either a dewedge with stiff bushings or a wedge with soft bushings (speed vs carve). Also you could play around with cone bushings up front.

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yeah mb on the wording :bowing_man: but I will definitely try using wedges as i’m going for more of a “reliexed” feeling when riding. thanks for the help :slight_smile:

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Its pretty common to run higher duro boardside and softer roadside.
Brad at Riptide is pretty good with bushing recommendation in this thread.

Be sure to list all stats:weight/board/trucks/current bushings/what you’re looking for ride feel wise


will do thank you

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To be specific I dig a 7 wedge front and rear with rkp its super surfy, almost like a hamboard.