Will work on that later over hardware iterations & continuous improvements.


Any smart 18s bms I could find on aliE was massive

Maybe there are non-China bms’s which are a smaller size but probably $$$ too

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Yes, and the actual smaller design will still allow 100A+ continuous even if it is too big ;). Also, the related software & reference design are open-source.

I also designed the balancing stage such a way that the BMS won’t get damaged if the user is hot-plugin/un-pluggin the balance cables. The balancing IC power supply circuit is separate from the main power supply and uses the balancing cables for his own power. This will eliminate some issues with currents flowing back across the balance wires due to a bad connection on the main power cables.




Just received the latest 18S PCB iteration. Will be assembled by Friday!


Brian, remind me again what the proper order for plugging in a BMS is please. TIA!


If you need anyone running 18s and able to pull 100A to test these then let me know :+1: I have had 18s pack on my emtb for almost 6 months now.

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If your BMS has a B0, it doesn’t matter. (so on a 12S battery, 13 balance wires) On a BMS without B0, I solder on B- first then plug in the balance plug. (so on a 12S battery, 12 balance wires)

In both cases, I plug in C- and/or P- after that, but I typically solder wires to the PCB first so I don’t need to solder on a live PCB.

But in any case, if the BMS is designed well it may not matter too much. I’m not 100% sure, and it could vary for each BMS design.

Of course, this BMS wont be protected against reverse polarity connection on the main terminals or reverse polarity on balance cables, but at least, it will not get damaged if you dont respect the typical connection order on most other BMS as listed above. Also loose/bad connections should not damage this BMS.

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Got two units assembled yesterday.
I will test them later this week.


Will the final version have usb-c instead?


USB type C connector is still more expensive than USB type B actually used. On top of that, I don’t think it would bring any plus value.


I found one that dsnt cost that much(vertical mount 2 euro, panel 1 euro, neither of these are volume prices). Just skip the fancy USB-c transciver and connect it as you would a normal USB connector (Data lines, gnd and 5v, skip the rest)

True that it dsn’t add value. I like the USB C connector infinatly alot more tho


please use usb-C… everyone will pay for that differance, making such tech to use something so old, is like keeping the old IBM connectors on motherboards… (at least they had a function that moden usb did not)

it’s been the standard for nearly 4 years…forwards sir. if anything it would be C type with option to add B :smiley:


Your telling me Open hearted you;ve never ever tried to plug a Usb, Fail Flip it, Fail again, Flip is back again and Succed.

Now you want me to extrapolate that error - remeber ports have a limit of uses (which normally youd never reach) but no worries because the chances the port will fall off sooner is much more likely.

and what happens if the person misses the port in frustration and shorts something on the PCB.

(all worthwhile points to consider - Practical points worth the extra few bucks and relaible)

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I am personally fine with the even-older Mini-USB and USB-C but the Micro-USB connectors are garbage and have always been garbage.

But we don’t have to rely on one person’s opinions, let’s vote


JST pins to USB-A dongle :grin:

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Enter democracy: (select your TWO most-preferred options)

0 voters

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Thanks; I added that in a new poll

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Why is usb A an option? That should be reserved for cable side only otherwise you end up with very hard to get male to male cables.