Dickyho EBay Shop

Vendor corner is for vendor shop posts, not really questions about them

@BlackSambo What do you need from him (Edit just seen its mount braces, if you mean crossbars I do have them)? I might have it in stock but I’m also running pretty low, we were actually in the middle of an order before the virus hit so I have a ton of pending items waiting :frowning:


gotcha, i misunderstood the purpose of the vendor thread. thanks for the clarification!


I think its down due to the coronavirus and the government recommending businesses stay closed for the time being. I was also looking to buy some parts off him, but I think its better we wait a while before asking him to send stuff. Hopefully you can find the parts from somewhere else


£9 is quite a lot, do you want an idler or something in there too? xD (Free)

literally on the front page


Order placed bro- I’m all good. Buy ya self something nice. Cheers

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yeah shipping and fulfillment centers are also closed. So even if he has parts in stock in his living room, he can’t ship it out :frowning:

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He’s been able to ship my parts out, but its by a nontraditional courier and I suspect it will be a while before regular orders are able to be fuffilled


Anyone know where I can get the 6x2 tubes without 6 week shipping to Australia?

Edit: and not fuck my wallet either

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  • fast
  • good quality
  • cheap

pick two :wink:

Try amazon



I was confused too. But this explains thanks for the post :slight_smile:

Did he open up and the close again? I ordered from him on march 28th. but now he looks closed.

I was gonna order a BMS from him cause it’s small.

PM or email him.
He’s still hunkered down but he has been able to sneak a package or two to me this year :+1:
Apparently his area was hit hard and he’s just laying low. Sometimes he takes a day or two to respond but he always does.

Thanks @dickyho, stay safe buddy!


I ordered dozens of Daly BMS and a bunch of mounts.
A $500 order. Sick all the eBay and Ali being out of stock.
Should be here in a week. Just pay me the going rate plus shipping you would pay him.

Might keep a stock for ya guys. Nickel too

Ping me on Facebook Kevin Graehl. If you need anything

Oh yeah. For the community :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


what are you doing that you’re always ordering so much stuff? are you selling completes? parts shop? breaking things at exorbitantly high rates? I’m curious.


he is doing it for the community

I do some builds, I just don’t advertise. I have a full time gig at Facebook. It’s kind of a hobby for this esk8 stuff.

But ik quietly observing and updating all my POCs and BOMs if I do go all in.

I search for people who are confused and lost online and help them out finishing their builds.

Also, If I notice a part is hard to get, I order a shitload and then offer them up.

I’m not making money here. Loosing for sure. But I love the learning process . I’d die if it stopped



@dickyho was extremely helpful to me over an issue with some pulleys. ( I didn’t know it was him at the time.) So I was looking for something else I need that I could get from him. I was a bit bummed to see him down from the coronavirus. and more so to see him apologizing for the coronavirus.

At this moment I was just trying to check out prices and specs on his BMS again. You’ve helped me there by at least giving it another name so I can find some of that info elsewhere. Thanks. I still also want to look into those neptune smart bms’s.