Deranked from Regular to Member?

Or, evidently, not as clever as you supposed.
It’s not your intention that makes a statement like that fun, witty, or effective. It’s solely how others see it that does that.

But laughing at someone is very you so I’ve to hand it to you, you’re consistent. Perhaps that’s a hint regarding the difficulty you are claiming to have becoming a Regular again?

Or perhaps I’m just not understanding you. Something that also seems to consistently happen.

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I will definitely never claim to be neurotypical.

additionally, I’m not laughing at you, I usually don’t laugh at people. The situation however is quite amusing.

yes lol. Quite a few people here love berating @tech.shit with long responses that read as if you’re trying to look smarter than the guy just because you can type more words. Don’t take everything literally or as a personal insult, and have some empathy from time to time.

Calling him out on every small little thing takes away credibility when calling him out on actual poor behavior. Boy who cried wolf, is what I’m trying to say. Perhaps blocking him is the best way to help you ignore him, especially if his posts ruin your mood.

But I certainly won’t, because I can see the same signs of improvement in him that Shua had, and most importantly, love for the sport / hobby. He’ll be a regular again soon, no doubt about it.


Thanks for the vote of confidence. I hope I don’t cause many more issues going forward.

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I can’t help but notice the wonderfully ironic length of your post. :slightly_smiling_face:

I have to ask though, in all seriousness, are you saying my posts are long because I’m trying to look smarter? That seems to display the same lack of empathy that you are asking others to show. I often have long posts, really frakkin’ long posts. Not to “look smarter” but because I often have a lot to say and details matter.

And telling me I should behave a certain way, differently than how you perceive I am now with tech.shit, seems to display little of the empathy you are asking of others. We’re all quite different and handle situations differently.

If you are only talking about others then I didn’t understand your response and please ignore my question.

I disagree with your first point but thank you for your thoughts and feedback!
I’m confused though. What made you think I want to ignore him? I regularly respond to his posts. They don’t ruin my mood and I won’t be blocking him.


I guess I read the situation wrong then. Carry on!


Hoping your week is awesome!


@tech.shit didn’t you get a temporary silencing/suspension liiiike a week or two ago?


Ah then there is hope!

I misunderstood, I thought the rule said “Must have visited at least 50% of days, since start membership

Which seemed impossible to me.

@xsynatic could you check how many flags i got? (in last 100)


I’m not a mod, thus i have no insight. You gotta ask the real ones.





With flag protocol, all it really takes is about 5-10 people actively denying you.
With enough free time and insanity, one could even run 10 separate accounts, and actively enforce a level of control on the member/regular divide.
But that would be pretty, bordering on psychotic, and I would hope also grounds for a perma ban.

Yeah and as we’ve seen in the past, it can be determined what ip the accounts come from. That would be insane and stupid haha


Please, it was clearly stated that that wasn’t frank.

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