Default speed limit on VESC based escs

Ok, so I would like to set a speed limit on my VESC based escs. I do know there are profiles I can preset and just load to limit speed, but is there a way to set a speed limit that will always be set to default on restart.
I want to have a basic config that does limit my board to let’s say 25km/h. If I want to drive faster, I would need to load an other profile, but as soon as the board was switched off once, the escs will boot with the 25km/h limit instead of the last profile setting.
Is there a way to do so?

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With a metr this is easily possible.

Dont know how to do it with just a vesc

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Yes. That’s how i run my boards for ages now.

Board turns on - locked to 6km/h - needs manual overwrite via the app to unlock the full speed - if the board turns off/restarts it will be set to 6km/h again automatically.

Works via Metr, Vesc tool app and basically every app that allows you to set “Profiles”


Ah ok, thanks for clearing that up. Always thought it will save the last set profile even after reboot.

That’s how it would look in the vesc tool app.

“Use permanently” sets it to always boot with it.

“Use until reboot”…uses it until a reboot, then starts with the permanent one again.


you can just set it as the default profile

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