Daly smart BMS - automatic bluetooth activation

Is it possible to setup a smart daly bms to turn on its bt dongle automatically?

Currently, everytime i want to pair the daly dongle to my phone i have to open up my enclosure to press this button:

take off the cover and desolder the button. solder on 2 wires and wire them to an external button on your enclosure. problem solved.


Shouldn’t you only have to pair the bms one time?

i think he meant each time he wanna connect to the bms, he needs to press the button

That seems like such a stupid design, is this why we don’t use daly smart bms lol


My friend only had to use the button once to pair I believe. He can connect without opening the enclosure

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Mine disconnects after a “sleep” timer has elapsed. It looks like you can change this “sleep” timer using the app, however this still seems like a stupid design to me.

Here’s my current work around :smile: