I have burnt out one of my motors from the discharging exercise, so I decided to give a single motor a go with the statorade. I rode super light today, only having one motor, but I still got some useful data from the run to compare to previous trips.
There is a huge difference with time it takes to cool down the motors. Pics included for comparison sake, similar motor usage during cooling for the 82-72°C readings, and a bit less of a direct comparison for the 82-62°C so take it with a grain of salt.
No statorade:
- 82°C --> 72°C = 1:40
- 82°C --> 62°C = 4:50
With statorade
- 82°C --> 72°C = 0:46
- 82°C --> 62°C = 2:08
Keep in mind, I did have the second motor removed for the statorade run this time, but the bare axle was wrapped in neoprene so it wouldn’t be cooling that much extra… I am curious to see if these temp drops are consistent after adding on the second motor again.
I do keep noticing the cans getting significantly warmer now though which is a super promising sign- before, with thermal paste between the axles and motors, the hangar would be burning up compared to the cans, and now with paste and statorade both heat up just as much to the touch, if not the cans maybe even a bit more… I’m loving it.