so for the second time this summer I had to resort with riding through rain, everything went fine, but for the second time now, the day after, I get a drop in connection on my ride, luckily I was sitting on a bench today and the last time I was riding very slow.
I suspect the connector going to the module connecting with the remote gets humid and loses electric connectivity, maybe some hue on the pins of the connector?
last time I could fix this by reconnecting the connector a couple time, which probably “cleans” the connector-pins
I heard there are some sprays which help with this, can someone recommend me something, this could end really bad if this happened on a steep decline.
any other ideas what this might be, any other p2 riders having similar issues?
edit: well, after opening this thing, looks like quite a bit of humidity entered the box, it was a 30km ride through rain recently, never had issues with a v1 plut in rain or snow though.
edit2: also, I noticed last time that except for the connector in the picture, all connectors are covered in hot glue, why was this one left out? should I glue this, I mean this is the controller module, isn’t it?
level with the bottom of the enclosure, interesting choice, why put this module at the bottom when it is relevant to survival, and the other on the wall where it is not prone to drowning in water which might be collecting at the bottom…? I noticed either some condensed water or at least a very thin layer of liquid at the bottom when opening the case today, it was not much but I expected way less of not none, not sure how it got in. enclosure seems snug fit and sealed with the foam of the board. any suggestions how to deal with this next time?
Looks like it’s sitting on a pad of glue, it’s unclear from the picture how much moisture may be inside. Hard to say what you should do I would contact Bioboards via email for support
can’t get hold of them for some time now with other issues too, been told this is the official support forum for bb, they ususally are responsive on facebook, but I avoid all fb services at all costs. well I am drying the whole box with a big fan an see if it gets back to default which is working reliably so far, can’t be good for the module though if it acts up on days after having to ride in rain - I will probably put it upside down next time, so any liquid will escape the way it got in without passing electronics - thanks for responding @skyart