Cloud wheel rover 110's ( i love em )

Just got my lady some new shoes… my board not my lady and wheels i got new Wheels. I love urethane wheels but live on an island with very rough roads. I have enjoyed my cloud wheels 105’s & 120’s for making the ride smoother reducing the vibes but as with all thane not great in the damp or wet. My dream wheel would be a cloud wheel wrapped in rubber. Fuck yeah i got my dream wheels :slight_smile: They are better at absorbing vibes from rough surfaces , they flatten out when you get on the board giving a large contact patch and have grippy rubber. All of the positives of clouds non of the negatives. Even in summer the morning dew is enough to keep shaded roads wet till mid day (lots of tree covered roads and lanes here ) I can Now enjoy early skates with No fear of morning dew sending me sliding on the floor. Only have 30 miles on them but am LOVING them. They have a speed limit of 40km but i have done 60km and they felt good & balanced. Super happy with how they ride plus they are PRETTY :slight_smile:


Be careful on them - seems like they are similar core quality to the classic cloudwheels. (image from facebook)


Inaccurate phrasing - The old cores used to break. This is a delam, not the same thing at all


I picked up set of clouds in late 2020, put about 1500 miles on them with no issues. But I know it could have been different. I really want to try these wheels because that foam core really does make for a more comfortable ride, but I’m too old to play test dummy for Iwonder…

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Me lying in hospital bed with broken bones because the cloudwheel rover exploded off the axle at 30mph:

“Please… Make sure they knew it was a wheel delamination and not a faulty core”


Sure it can have the same result lol

This is very important info so they know they don’t need to look for the wheel to fix it up too :rofl:

I’ve only fixed cores with minor crush damage from bolt on pulleys though. No idea if you can safely repair a core when it was just made poorly to begin with.

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I’d really love to try the donuts ones, but 180usd (+40 shipping to my remote side if the world) is a steep price for some chinese low qc wheels

or for any wheels at this rate, I mean I can grab a set of thanes from exway that is quite good for what it is for like 70bucks shipped
And I know it’s not likely to fail on me

(But they do look nice)

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I looked at the picture of the wheel pretty closely. Definitely not a core issue and does not look like it delaminated either. The urethane/foam sheared. That is a really strange way for a wheel to fail.

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Idk I always have a mistrust for facebook posts with no context lol

Maybe they ran over something that cut it or there was a material defect in the pouring of it? Who knows really

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Looks like there is too much foam per urethane, I guess it is fine for regular rolling but it would tear like that in case of attempted slide

The old ones (Pre-clear discovery core) did both. Delamination AND core shattering. The more recent discovery core model (clear core), doesn’t suffer from shattering as far as i know, but delamination is still incredibly common.

And they all suffer from idiotic contact patch, besides the most recent rovers, which still suffer from delam (may even be more likely with the increased grip increasing stress to the core to thane bond)


Horror stories of the delamination, core breaks etc bit worrying … but i ride a lightning powered murder board Danger is inevitable fear is optional. Life is ALL risks if you live it right .


It doesn’t matter what they did to it - this result is unacceptable. Esk8 is an extremely punishing environment and the parts need to be built to stand up to abuse.

I’ve never seen a urethane wheel fail like this. Even when urethane delaminates, it stays on the core.

Iwonder needs to do better. I won’t be a crash test dummy for their products.


Hollow wheel has failed in a similar way.

And yeah ofc a normal urethane wheel would never fail like this because its a homogenous material

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I thought these were rubber? Are they urethane? Either way… not really a “normal” urethane wheel. I’m referring to TB110, Hoyt 111, madwheels etc…

Why buy something that has a chance of catastrophic failure when there are fantastic alternatives available that have never failed in such a way.


They are rubber haha

I accept your point though, not having put thousands of miles on cloudwheels I can’t say that I vouch for their durability anyway

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I think that’s the problem,
we have hurethanes wheels small ones and ridiculously big ones with all the good and the bad of urethane,
We have pneumies with all their advantages and inconvenience too
But we lack good in between options, and that’s why we see more and more curious things like ruber wheels, hollow wheels, foam wheels, and that’s why they fail : because people try to innovate
I"m not justifying bad QC, but you can’t always and forever stick with the trusted working solution if you want things to advance


I think if you want a good inbetween you should get exway hydro. good grip and medium shock absorption

How does it compare to the rubber cloudwheel ?
(I’m in a hub motor period, so if there’s no donuts version that won’t do for me, and to be fair for non motor hubs, I’m perfectly fine with blue cags)