Ladies and gentlemen, @Winfly and I are pleased to introduce to you the world’s most advanced cutting board yet: a compact, modular, powerful, yet easy to use design that will be sure to keep you on your butt.
We call it Choppy
Under the platform, we can find the following top quality components, assembled in a specifically enclosureless design for ease of access:
- A Lowes 4-ply Cutting Board provides the ultimate platform for comfortable seated journeys, yet providing the flexibility of an exciting journey if you choose to stand
- Unity
- The 12S1P Sanyo 18650RX + 2 Extra was originally intended as a 14S pack, but because of the pure power this device contains, we regrettably had to tone it down to 12S
- @Winfly’s 14S Modular Cell Holder provides super secure holding of the cells
- Our specially sourced Adjustable 13S Chinese BMS was configured to 12S and provides ultimate battery safety sans balancing
- Dual Flipsky 6364 @ 190kv provide edge of your seat performance in a small package
- Paris Clones, at 205mm width, provides incredible stability at high speeds
- Dicky-Ho Mounts 1536 (old metal) provide ultimate flexible holding of the motors to dampen vibrations
- Torqueboards Crystal Blue 83mm @ 15:36 give the whole assembly pizzaz while maintaining torque and speed
- Cabinet Handle
The excitability of this speed demon cannot be overstated. It’s truly a real thriller that people are chopping at the bit to ride.
- Top speed: 34mph
- 0-34: yes
- range: yes
- wheels: yes
Now, without further ado, I present to you the build process
First we carefully season and prepare the chopping board
Then we test the arrangement of the garnishing on the board
Next, we prepare the stuffing full of juice
The sous-chef inspects progress thus far
Then we sort of stick everything in a pot and it’s done
Seasoning is applied with the utmost care
And of course, test launch