ChooChoo Short AT small batch GB_Completed

You are right. I got extra but last one went out yesterday.

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Absolutely closer to snowboarding. It is really unlike anything else.

Canā€™t wait for this small offering. Going to be a blast!


Man there are plenty of options out there. Itā€™s good to keep a limit on the amount of thing we buy. Maybe you will be able to buy from someone is selling it in the near future.

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I love limited batch stuff honestly. Makes them special.


That is speakingā€¦
Can be my personal thing but It tells me more about people tooā€¦ Easy to grab something when everyone has it and you know evrything about it. This is of course a small example but life is about moments. There is who wait and who can see through. As I said, Esk8 is a funny world and we are just having fun but tells me a lot about people and their mentality. Of you pay attention to that you can easily divide the forum members in personality types.


True i donā€™t buy much to be honest. That is until i found this forum. Iā€™ve probably bought more things in the last 4 months than the last 4 years.


Esk8 feverā€¦ :grin:


First time i tried to buy something online was the unity. That really shouldā€™ve stopped me before I started but it hasnā€™t.

Did you get it?

Ha ha funny story about 3 weeks ago i emailed them and canceled the order. A week ago i get a email saying its shipped??? Not sure if i want it or not after all the drama and what I can only believe are lies from them. I honestly think that they made it then fulfilled larger orders such as nazare ect. With it and other peoples orders then remade the original orders now.

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Well if you will get it I would keep it. I have 2 unities and I would buy it again. I know what comes with Enertion and the bad reputation they manage someone to build. My experience was ok. A bit of waiting for the unity. But one I mange to broke the sensor detection and got repaired in 2 weeks. Just got it 2 days ago. They have unbelievable problem in setting up proper logistic. The product itself is worth it.


I can only blame myself and my lack of research but at the time of ordering i honestly didnā€™t realize i was preordering something and thought i was buying off the shelf components. Quikly realised that I was a bit naive .


They seem to be trying to transition to selling things that they gave stocked. I think if that happens they will get a second chance from a lot of people that are disappointed in them

And i think for a lot of people the fact that its a company that has been an important part of the community for so long, that let them down makes the sting so much worse than if they were a completly new company having issues. They always say that theyā€™re a small company and its true but i think in diy esk8 theyā€™re giants and were a lot of peopleā€™s heroes. It hurts when you realise your hero is flawed.

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Soz for derailmentsā€¦
Love the deck.


Unfortunately is still a company were a single man can bring it down. Anyhow we all know the story.

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I think most of the people are ok with it. I will ask 135$ then and send the first board to @bigben to speed up the process.



Can I send you monies now ???:rofl:

ā€¦ sorry patience is not a virtue I possess