Cheapest way to get a 20 mile range battery

10s8p on a lime?!
Never thought they’d be that impressive


hated charging those, got paid the same as the lighter weight scooters that were easier to carry between the car and basement


there are like no lime scooters in florida :rage: not that I would ever commit a crime anyways.


Downtown Tampa. Bird, lime, juiced, and uber.

Stealing is bad though, so figure out where the repair depot is and ask for broken batteries, or watch government auctions for lots of scooters where the rider parked them in a no go area and they got towed.


I got even cheaper. One man, two legs. Extra pennies for snacks and a bottle of water. Runs on fat energy, tho 20 miles range is extendable if you train.

Go for it my man.

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I cannot believe you fucks are suggesting a man to steal someone elses property and use it, and you’re even giving him advice on how to do it…

karma is gunna kick all y’all ass if the cops don’t do it first…

and even if that doesn’t happen he’s going to, in all probability, get some clapped out scooter batteries…

this is fukked up!


stealing is bad, but recycling impounded and discarded items is pretty gray area :grin:

usually not worth the trouble when metroboard sells inexpensive packs made from quality cells


Please stop switching which and witch. Now I don’t know which witch is which.


it’s the one with the pointy hat!


:joy: Carbs are the best battery

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ahahaha bro im not gonna steal any lime batteries lol, the nearest lime place is a hour away lmao, this is all for comedic effect

Now getting some “broken” batteries sounds like something I can get behind! Where can I find there repair places and how much would they charge me for a battery that needs work or to be re done.

a n00b getting broke dick recycled cells to make an esk8 battery doesn’t sound like a great idea either…

do you have any idea what you’re doing?


no but your being a negative Nancy right now, do you have any idea what your doing right now? huh huh, bad vibes. Im a very crafty person and the internet is filled with tutorials, in my whole life of building diy stuff the worst thing that almost always happens is I strip a screw, fucking always, im sure I could build a battery, might not look as nice and pretty as the ones some of these guys build but with all the materials, a good diagram, and lots of patience you can only go so wrong.

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like :fire:

so I’m negative nancy trying to get you to rethink your decision to re-use recycled cells… many have gone down this road before you…

do yourself a favor and at least buy decent cells… grading and testing and assembling mismatched cells is a fools errand…

and also, it’s much cheaper to buy a battery from a know good battery maker than the cost of assembling a pack… especially a suspect mismatched recycled cell pack…

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all im saying is I dont have alot of money like alot of the builders on here, cells are expensive and I didnt say I wouldnt be buying any and getting a pro to make it for me, we were just weighing my options here.

Do you have a 3D printer? If you do you can get away with that and a soldering iron

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no I dont but I have been thinking about getting one! People post them for a ok price locally sometimes I might sell my vr to get one haha.

You can look into winfly compression modules or NESE modules in those cases (winfly mod is cheaper, just need a small amount of print filament, some braided copper wire, and a shit ton of kapton tape or something)