Cheap FOCer 2 (Open-source, Low-cost, VESC 6 based ESC) (v0.9 Release. Beta testing ongoing)

I’ve found two links with some things that could help you:



Did you reflash the bootloader in vesc tool?

Hi Doomy,

No, just did motor detection and pulled the throttle. With lower voltage the motor always spins up, but no so with voltages over 20v.

@Fixvid have you tried a power source besides that power supply? There have been a few times were the root cause of the issues was a faulty/weak power supply or battery


If your focer is from the group buy batch 1 you must reflash the bootloader and then the firmware for it to work. You can easily check if its the wrong firmware when the voltage reading in vesc tool is incorrect.

Yes, i tried a 36v battery when i discovered this fault, then i started tinkering with the power supply voltage to see where it starts to behave badly.

It’s from batch 2. As i know those had bootloader and firmware installed.

Yeah they should have the correct firmware and bootloader. Can you reflash them just to be sure? Otherwise it looks like either a bad drv chip or cold solder joints on the drv

The focer let the magic smoke out.

Today i made some more cleanup on the pcb and removed excess solder from mosfet legs. I plugged it in and it looked good in the beggining then i saw smoke coming from D1 without having hall sensors attached. I thought wth then i limited the power supply to 100mA and then U1 started to heat up like crazy and now it’s shorted so i assume the board is toast.

At least the second board looks like it’s working under no load conditions.

Moral here “cleaning and housekeeping always lead to issues”. That is what I always say to my girlfriend, but she does not believe in me. I will show her your experience, maybe it will help me to reduce excessive housekeeping…


Looks like you’re the expert here :slight_smile:

Well, got my CFOCer’s V1.0 from JLC, didn’t test yet coz don’t have the rest of components on hand.
@shaman - can you explain J5 more clearly in pinout section? My guess J5 is for ADC1/2


It looks like those pins are direct breakouts to pins on the MCU.

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The schematic pdf in the repo shows what it is. It’s the unused pins from the MCU. I made them accessible for development/mod purposes.

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Thanks for the reply.
Good to know that there is a way to easily reach MCU pins.

Hey, if I were to order FOCer right now, should I go for the v0.9 or v1.0?


I think the 1.0 has a number of valuable improvements at essentially the same cost. I’m interested in placing an order if you’d like to split one. How many are you wanting?

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Hold on a second for the v1.0. The PNP transistors didn’t seem to add much benefit or value. Choosing the mosfets wisely has more of an impact

I’ll probably remove the pnp transistors for now. I’m working on a more effective substitute but it will take time and probably won’t make it to v1.0


Any chance of finding a suitable DRV that they stock?

Rather than finding another DRV, I would just design out the DRV entirely and switch to half bridge drivers.