Can a bad motor cause a Vesc to blow up?

So it turns out the motor was missing all 4 screws that held the top bearing on, which must of raddled off. At this point I think it’d probably be safe just to order a new motor, since it had issues anyway. Thanks for the help everyone!

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What brand was the motor?

It was from Alien Power System. Heres the link: C80100 V2 Sensored Outrunner brushless motor 180KV 7000W

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Were the bolts/screws missing from the factory, or was it an operator error?

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Nothing was missing from the factory. I had opened it previously since it was having problems, and must have not tightened the screws enough, and I didn’t add lock tight. Did I blow up my motor? + ABS Overcurrent Faults!! - #34 by NoahPZ

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