[CA] Selling unknown esk8 parts

And there’s another thread… Can a mod take care of this? This is absurd.

Flagged it and it got zapped immediately… Lel.


Maybe I was harsh but seriously the intro pissed me off. I’m usually a very calm individual and helpful too if you show some respect. You don’t walk into a party with a bag of speed and try to sell it as coke.

I’m English btw.


This is the second post.
Started on first one.

What’s the point of this. Can you not post this for me here/ everyone else?

Should I PM you for this top secret info?

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I didn’t see that. Might have given a bit more perspective but one thing you need to understand is that we are a self funded community and as such are a close knit bunch. We have helped untold people build very good boards and are actively helping new members everyday in our own time and in turn get help from other members when shit goes sideways.You want to get involved then get involved by hitting the donate button, get yourself a nice silly title and come and join the fun. Its not a harsh environment if you take the time to read and understand the community, if not then as I said in my first post reddit is the place for you. Especially to sell your board as its more geared up for the kind of build you are selling.


But please do come back with that build thread. I think we’d like you better as a builder than a seller :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Donate lol.

Thats a funny one.

I posted a video vs a lonestar.

What was funny? You posted a badly received sale thread but claim to have a much better board. We all ride better boards here and I’m genuinely interested in your build, as are many others here.

general rule of thumb, be nice and people will be nice back.

you started by being a dick, so you get treated like one.

it’s called basic courtesy.

first sentence in your post:

that’s something a dickhead would say.

it’s been exactly one day since you joined, and it’s all fallen apart for you already.


Cool. Then my second post is the one you want to take to heart.

It’s all fallen apart for you already

Fuckin mic drop


Lol what a joke.
Post a board with minimal information with what looks like the cheapest budget parts for a high price and then gets surprised when the community calls you out.
Then starts tossing around some generalized insults.
Starts new thread. Acts suprised when people call you out again for lack of information on overpriced parts. Starts name calling again.
You can ship something around the world 3 times for all I care it doesn’t change its value…
Stop acting like a child, man up admit what you did wrong and start over.
There’s plenty members who started Rocky here who have lots of friends here now.
Yes this is a community and when we see bulshit we point out.



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This is one of two esk8 related video though

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All eskate related content is on the ownboard ?

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Its not on YouTube.
In a forum and on my laptop.

That ownboard was my first board last year. Ive had 6 since then.

Theres a normal way to do that and theres the animal way to do it.

Having a video up would very much help with the sale

There’s a normal way to post a for sale add and a retarded one…