Bushings Identification?

I’m trying to identify these green bushings.

I thought they might be Venom Caliber Plug 93A but they seem to not be. These are kinda translucent and dark green — while the Venom ones are a lighter green, opaque, and much harder. Maybe these are lower than 93A.

Does anyone know what these are?

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Looks like the bushings that come with the e-caliber. Never managed to find any information on those, the only thing i can say is that they feel softer than the red blood orange bushings (89a iirc) that come with standard caliber 2.

Also interested if someone has more info :smiley:

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@longhairedboy are these Caliber E bushings?

I was about to say the same - I found them too soft but pretty decent vs stock china ones

@longhairedboy any idea?

at first glance they definetly look like the e-caliber bushings i got along with the trucks

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They really do look like the ecaliber ones yes, same translucency. Why find more out of interest? Did you like them?

they look like it yeah. I just had some in my hand last night.

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also the streetside one was a cone aswell for me, so i guess we can be 100% sure

Only other bushing I know that has that insert on the top is riot busing

It appears that they haven’t really done anything for 3 years. Their website is down and their social media has not been updated since 2016

oh man i was talking to riptide about those insert tops and he thought they were the dumbest shit lol

the argument made sense at the time, though i don’t recall what it was exactly.


Do you sell these à la carte? Or just on the trucks?

i’ll sell the trucks but not just the bushings. I have a couple left. I don’t use them in builds because they bend.

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I’d buy the trucks at bushing prices :rofl::rofl:

LoL jk (kinda)

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DAMN do you still have any of those ? got an pics of your plugged bushings?