Bushing and Truck Setup Help Offered

Are you referring to MBS Shock block colors?

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Hey Brad.
Currently running MBS red in the back and orange Up front.

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So Medium up front and Hard in the back, any idea what duro the MBS are?

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hey Brad.
No. They do not publish it.
And the internet did not tell me either.

Suggestions for 120 lbs rider 40" Evo with 60/40 split BN270 up to 40 mph? I think the plan was 87a fatcone/barrel in the front and chubby/barrel in the back with cup washers


They did! Sort of. A lot of forum stuff is hard to find


Is the 60/40 taking into consideration the deck angles? 60 degree front will not be much fun by the way

I would go for a similar arrangement to start with if the boards are setup the same:

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I can do 49/41 or maybe 49/24 (gear drives rotate by 30 at a time) counting deck angles

Edit: looks like 24 in the rear is a no go, motors clip the baseplates screws

OK so 49/41 is what you can do?

Front is 60, 50, or 40 from the baseplate and +9 from the deck; back is 50 (or 40 if you really think I should) from the baseplate and -9 from the deck

I’ve got it set up as 49/41 and there’s no wheel or gearbox bite (inverted cone boardside and nothing else, this is the absolute max turn I’ll get)

I installed the 87a fatcone/barrel chubby/barrel and it feels like I’m not getting full turn but that’s with it just chilling on my floor

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At 120, you can likely go to 84a KranK and fill in where needed with the 87’s that you have. To keep it simple, get a pair of 84a Barrels and run them up front and the 87a Barrels in the back

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Sounds good thank you!

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Please let us know how it works out


I’m gonna get get 70A 75A 80A 90A to start.
Probably try 90a-75a first.

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@RipTideSports, could I ask you for help with my setup?

  1. Flipsky 12" DKP clone
  2. Currently stock Chinese bushings, a bit too soft, get dangeours over 35 kmph (low stability + wobbles)
  3. I’m looking for something soft enough to bounce from curb to curb at 10-30 kmph, but stable and predictable 30+ kmph. I need to eliminate the wobbles of death.
  4. Street cruising, moderate carving, AT 7" pneumatic wheels
  5. 41" twin drop through, no bitey risk at all
  6. 65-70 kg

Here comes the hard part:
I know that probably ordering the DKP 90/93 krank kit would cover my needs, but I do not have any local distribution and purchasing this from abroad makes cost insane.

Would you be so kind to take a look at the website linked below and let me know if there is a chance to select some sufficient set for me from what they offer?


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It appears their selection is very limited, easer to go direct to our website to get a configured kit for the Flipsky 12" DKP in the drop down menu. For your weight and what you described you are looking for, I would suggest the 87/90 kit

@RipTideSports what would you recommend:

  • 50° e-caliber trucks
  • 70kg rider + 5kg board
  • TB110 wheels and no wheel bite in sight
  • TB40 deck not mounted on drop through and 10mm flat risers
  • Stock bushings are way to soft even at low speed, already gets dangerous at like 20kmh
  • looking for a setup compromising stable at ~45kmh but also on the soft side at low speed to get around the city
  • I’ll also change the pivot cup

Small gripe but add your location/country in your profile so people can recommend where to get different baseplates and stuff.

Nice formated question though!

The first thing i would do is get away from a symmetrical 50 degree setup that you want to go 45 kph on.

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