Build thread for Electric Roller Skis

I’ll hold ya to that!

:thinking: :call_me_hand:t4: :thinking:

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Just hold me… :wink:


Range from 52mm aggressive wheels to 125mm in PU wheels, 150 to 200mm in off-road tyres.

Best streetable size IMHO stands between 80 and 110mm. You could fit a 50mm motor in a 84mm wheel and generally big wheels core accommodate bigger motors (ex : 80mm motor in 125mm, 63mm motor in 110…) and still preserve PU.

When you go custom you can even use scooter wheels actually (if for example you only use 2 wheels per blade, for a wider round patch and a stronger core).

I hope it’s based on one of these…





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At the core I’m a skier not a kite surfer or a skateboard dude. But I would seriously think through by ski boot choice. The g forces you get with a motor is going to seriously mess with you. Sure one foot in front of the other kind of deal. But even on a longboard my stance is 79cm wide to not throw me off balance. I would definitely build around alpine boots but that might be real wired too.

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Quick question @Schtekarsten , since you’re looking to emulate ski behavior on road, wouldn’t it make sense to have the wheels turn/carve when you lean on the side you wanna go ? Modern skis aren’t straight but concave curved and you can also easily slide your position through snow, which isn’t as simple with hard ground. And your wheelbase is long as F*ck by default because skis.

So you might be looking maybe to make a pair of narrow Speedboards for each foot ?


take video

this is beginning to sound like hilarity will ensue!!!

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Yeah absolutely the carving part would be key in sooo many ways. And dial that in to fit the streets.

Also I’m not sure how I would tackle the fact that on a pair of skies you only have grip when you lean over and force the edges into the snow but without pressure and a lower angle you just skid sideways. Not sure if dual compound wheels or you can achieve that through the shape of the wheels. or going something like the Leif board route. But honestly I would probably start with just the carving part. How do you get each ski to turn when you lean over and use the throttle for the brakes similar to what we do on a electric skateboard.

At my university they put two regular gasoline engines and four wheels on a regular pair of alpine skies and that thing Is the biggest piece of crap I have ever ridden, you can’t steer it and you can’t turn it what so ever, and each ski just wants to go their own direction as you can’t micro steer each ski and you have to lift the damn thing to go the way you want.