Normally I don’t ask many things here. But today I don’t know what to do.
I was riding today on a kart track. I had some remote disconnections with the flipsky vx1 but ok… while doing the competitie I turned the second corner in and my left motor stopped turing. I putted my board out and on back again and from that moment I don’t had any power anymore.
So now I am home but don’t know what to do…
Is it a broken drv or something else.
Trampa vesc were connected with can and turn always at the same time on.
I did motor detection again and read very big numbers and no motor is spinning.
sounds like a motor issue, that ohm reading sudgest you have a bad connection to your motor. Have you check phases? meassured with DMM between leads to verify the value you get in vesctool? Is it correct or far off?
Vesc number 2 is also not working… if I look very good I think that drv is also blown. I can see (I think) some small blow traces in the chip under number 8-3
@linsus I am going to do that. I just checked the resistance due putting each motor wire to each other and check if they “brake”. (Without esc connected ) )
The chance of both vescs blowing, at the same time. They’re so astronmical, there has got to be something fundamentally wrong with something in your setup. Please check everything thuroughly as I doubt it was the VESC itself giving up
I would assume. that one DRV blew. (in my vesc 4 time a motor short was usually the culprit). I would’ve thought V6 would be foolproofed, just like they did on the unity. It appeared that enamel at the motor exit wires, when under vibration, shorted and blew the vesc. And usually as you mention yourself, the canbus would go down with it.
Do you get any faults on vesc nr 2 ? configure the PPM signal on that one like the master and see where you get.
Check your motor mount bolts.
I had that once that they have been a bit too long and damaged the phase wires over time.
From one moment to the other they caused a short and took my esc with it.
Check your motors not only with hands.
Would as min take a multimeter and check the resistance between all phases (should be close to zero, but always the same value) after that check all phase wires to something metal on your motor, like the shaft or the bolts from the motor (should be always open end)