BOTBOTY | Tomiboi based commuter build

Are you allowed to export .f3d fusion archive files with your hobbyist license? If so, I can import that and then export .step files for posterity. Just an idea.

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BNCompatibleFenders_105mm160mm.f3d (1.7 MB)

Team work makes the dream work


How are the stretched BKB tires? I have stretched SKP 175s right now, and I love them, but I have a full set of BKB tires at my disposal, too.

The steering response feels very crisp, close-ish to thane wheels. Ride quality isn’t very cushy at 50psi, and I wouldn’t go below 40psi because I once shredded an inner tube valve at 30. Grip is great in all temps and weathers I’ve used them in.


I run my SKP at 40 PSI right now. If I do go to the BKB, I’ll have to get some 60T pulleys. I have 72 T right now, and that has been great in terms of speed and torque, especially with the 175mm wheels.


@BenjaminF release the .step files. Me and my team of highly trained GNU Public License lawyers are rapidly approaching your location, and so help me, we will rummage through your sofa and search under your fridge until we get the goods.


giphy (1)

I’m a big piece of shit, please forgive me. I’m away from my computer rn but I’ve set at alarm to take care of this when I get home. Proof below. Please dont send your doorkickers to kick my door.


Its always interesting to get an insight into the way other people CAD. No two people do it the same way, kinda like spreadsheets. I often find myself completely remaking the thing from scratch, just so my brain can fully grasp it before I move on to making any changes I want.

Anyway, thank you very much for the files! Here’s the step file, as promised.

BNCompatibleFenders_105mm160mm.step (1.4 MB)


Sharing CAD timelines is almost akin to sharing your browser history


With sufficient data i’m convinced I could reverse-engineer a person’s consciousness purely from their CAD timelines, Westworld style.


Aww, this is the nicest way I’ve ever heard someone call my timeline a piece of shit! :heart: These parts do have some weird geometry that the fillet and chamfer tools didn’t like, so it does contain “creative solutions” lol


Such a good show concept. Really well executed for the most part.

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