Boardnamics Warning

Looks a little loose, but not bad.
I go for the tiniest bit of play at the titest spot(gears arent 100% perfect). Hold the motor and give the wheel a little back and forwards, just want a little bit.


So what if I add that Iā€™m running 110 motor amps and 50-60 battery amps? Should I be on the tighter side for all the abuse itā€™ll get?

Yes. Tight is right. I agree with the handsome gentleman above.

I do the paper test. Fold a regular piece of paper in half and mesh it between the gears. The double layer of paper is what I keep it at.


not trying to choose sides here, just adding input.

iā€™ve flipped sides on the gears before and theyā€™re really easy to remove on the 4 separate gears i did. might need to give it a little tap but itā€™s not like itā€™s press fit into there and almost impossible to remove. i messaged Karam about it when i was having fitment issues and he walked me through trying to resolve it

damn that sucks, speedy recovery man


Your gear will be shipped out today or tomorrow.

Hey so my biggest gripe is not necessarily how long everything takes but the communication and transparency. Iā€™ve waiting 6 days assuming thatā€™s enough time to ship, but I got no tracking number and have heard nothing, so I just donā€™t like being lied to.

PLEASE, if itā€™s going to take you a week to ship it, then say that. I donā€™t want to check the mailbox everyday like a kid waiting for Christmas with no clue when itā€™ll show.



Went through the same thing, ended up cancelling the order after nearly two weeks of silence.


Same lol I remember I ordered on June and got them in October.

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Iā€™d say the average delivery time is about 3-5 months based on my experience and others here on the forum. I havent had a single problem with my 10+ products Ive purchased from Kevin but you just have to understand delays are inevitable when you place your order.

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Same shit happened to me, ordered some 220 BN trucks and it took a minute for them to ship, once they came I got two different sized trucks, where the axles go into, still trying to work it out with Kevin but no response since the 14th. Hoping to get the issue resolved

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Hes on here quite often, so my suggestion is message @Boardnamics personally


I did message him the day they came in but I just left another message, thanks

@KaramQ itā€™s been over a week now so Iā€™m virtually sure you havenā€™t shipped out my gear. Either that or an issue with USPS which I wouldnā€™t know because no tracking number.

Donā€™t you see how blatantly lying only adds to the frustration!!! Like seriouslyā€¦ PLEASEā€¦ in the name of all that is holyā€¦ ship out my gear.

And just as an added point, I understand life is busy and sucks and things get in the way, but sending a text or email update takes a few minutes at most.

I feel like Iā€™m going INSANE because everything you or Kevin says is a lie, just tell me something REAL!


Worth mentioning in this thread that I understand it has been a rough couple monthsā€¦
but I am back next Tuesday so things will get better. Also have a smalllll inventory shipment coming in Wednesday.


Well thatā€™s good to know, but itā€™s also important to mention that I shipped back the error gear in order to be fixed BEFORE the new shipment of gears came in, not to be taken care of after 2 weeks at the same time as your gear restock.

Because what was the point of sending the gear back if this is what ends up happening?

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@djchickenstrips akaā€ fuck around and find out ā€œ
Any thing to add?

Edit, he is still on tour with the best riders in NYC




10 days since you told me this so WHATS UP?

SERIOUSLY just tell me the goddamn truth as to why itā€™s been OVER 10 DAYS and you still have not done what you said you would?!?!?!


Came here just to add myself to the list of disappointed people who will never (try! :rofl:) to buy from BN again.

Absolut shitshow of gaslighting me while they never had the cojones to make any statement at all.

I understand that having a business might be work (bohoo even hard work, cry me a river) but my experience with BN was straight out fraud.

Do your fucking job. Dont blame your customers. Dont make them feel bad for wanting what they paid for.

At the very least just dont lie.
I cannot believe why BN is still in business.


I was only a purchase-adjacent (consolidating some items and bulk shipping overseas) but that experience alone solidified my opinion.

Dude waited 81 days before saying something.

BN told me that ā€œmy boy gave me the wrong addressā€ literal minutes after ā€œmy boyā€ sent me pictures of his order with my correct address.

Shipping miscommunication, family issues, health problems, part delays, I can understand all of that and it can all be addressed with communication. Lying about it is bullshit.

Oh yeah, some more personal accounts with names omitted:







Iā€™m tired of finding more instances so letā€™s end this on the wise words from the last time this happened:


Everyone really does want you to succeed. Even me.

Also, this is funny as shit
