They are 43mm long
Pulleys specifically for TB110s? Do the regular kegels not fit as they should?
These are not friction fit correct? What size spacer between wheel bearing and pulley bearing?
Would these work on the evolve trucks?
I worded that wrong. I am getting 44T pulleys, but only offer them with kegel adaptors, so no 44T flywheels. This may change, not sure.
They fit the same as the current kegel pulleys, I am just trying to keep them “reserved” for TB110 owners.
@Titoxd1000 They are friction fit. The wheel bearing utilizes a 3/16" spacer. By friction fit, they press into the wheel, but that force alone will not keep them in for very long. I made mine an interference fit. There is no reason to have a bearing pulley press into the core with tons of force. Makes assembly difficult. The bearing restricts it from backing out.
@jxslepton Yes, but you will need to swap in a 6900 bearing for the 608 I include. Also, you must add a speed washer to the spacer I include because 6900 bearings are 6mm wide, vs 7mm wide 608. I can include all of this upon request.
What’s the eta for the 44t setup? I’m interested and specifically for the evolve compatible kit
One month. They are shipping on a boat
Do they fit the popoca wheels?
Yes 10chars
Have you not thought about also selling motor pulleys?
I’m going to hold you to that!
Sure I can. Was thinking of stocking 16T and 17T
that would be great, would you help reduce shipping costs, and if they were made of steel it would be even better
Absolutely steel.
That would be a plus.
There is not a good domestic source.
Please also get 14 and 15teeth for us heavier guys…
Really? Thought there was. I’m on it
TB kinda but convenient to get complete with your BN drivetrain
I agree.
Getting 14T, 16T, and 18T
Steel with key way
I have some things to buy from you to fund that gimmie a few days.
now do I need the 270s or do I need the 270s
You definitely do