bluetooth module VESC 4

How would i go about connecting the bluetooth module to the vesc, and will i need any more than the vesc and the module

It comes with a jst cable. It just plugs into one of the UART ports



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Does anyone know of a Bluetooth module that could work with my ESC+ remote combo?
Flipsky FSESC 4.12 50A + Flipsky VX2

I’m open to suggestions for a new remote or new/better ESC too. After I purchased the 4.12, I heard that it’s not very good and I’m might be the bottleneck in my build. Might also upgrade battery for better range in the future. Learned a lot building this one and it seems I’ve got the itch :smiley:

Pretty much only a metr pro can since the vx2 will occupy the only uart port.
Unless you’re dual motor and you have two, in which case any uart bt module will work

metro pro connects over CAN or what? The pro part sound expensive :smiley: Wait but can I aces the vesc settings over that bluetooth module?


There was Metr Pro - Uses UART
And Metr Pro CAN - Uses CAN

So I can theoretically use the Bluetooth to connect to android VESC app ant the metr app? But probably not at the same time. Looks like the are out of stock at the moment. And Fucking expensive. Are there any vesc’s out there with dual UART?


A couple of options

  • Use a ppm remote instead of a uart remote.
  • Use 2 vescs connected by canbus. Uart remote on one and uart Bluetooth on the other.

The cheap bluetooth modules will work fine to configure and create basic logs, but metr gives you really nice interactive logs.


If you have a metr module you can use metrs own app to connect to your board. Alternatively you use the stock Vesc app but use the metr as bluetooth bridge.

Even used they are a very good value with years worth of updates available.

And as @jaykup said, you can use any compatible bluetooth module and just use the standard vesc tool app alongside it.