So I’ve had some terrible luck with my ebike. I blew up the motor last year since it had no temperature sensor. This year I replaced it but the sprocket came loose and shorted my phase wire and yellow hall sensor wire.
I replaced the motor wiring and hall sensors, also did the temperature sensor upgrade. I was getting hall sensor errors still and gave up for some time thinking it’s probably the controller.
I recently ordered a replacement and swapped it. I was still getting errors but it turned out to be the blue/green being swapped so everything works with new one now.
I went back to my old controller but it still gets errors. I think when I checked it last I came to the same conclusion that the yellow hall wire is shorted to ground internally. When I probe, all the sensors work but as soon as yellow is plugged into the controller it drops to 0v. Others,(blue/green) when 5v high they remain like that if plugged into the controller.
So somewhere inside the ESC yellow hall wire input is shorted or bad since the 5v input likely took 30v+ at 30A or more. Is there any hope of fixing this? Some internal SMT fuses maybe or does it likely just route through the main chip and I’m screwed?
Not that it matters too much for the context here but the controller is the ND96800. I don’t really expect direct instructions but if anyone has heard of trying this. I emailed support about it in case too, sending it in will probably be expensive for shipping at the very least but might be worth doing if possible.
99.9% of questions deal with the motor hall sensors, but here I need to fix the controller sensing circuit?