BKB Duo Type R?

have you scrolled through the thread?


Torqueboards has had a rocky history the past couple of years

Sub par customer service, undelivered goods, lack of addressing issues, etc. They arenā€™t what they used to be, they could still come back, but no signs of that yet.

Some people have been lucky and had no issues the whole time.


Solid board for the price! rides a little high though with pneumaticsā€¦ connection of remote isnā€™t super reliable.

opinion based on ownership of the old duo + using the new voyager remote for current build

I would stick to the base model as a ā€œdiy gateway drugā€ though. At the price of the upgraded version you might want to consider a full diy build.

Also to @Call-me-krampus point. TORQUEBOARDS Street ā€“ DIY Electric Skateboard is a really nice deal. v6 based vesc instead of v4, CNC wide trucks instead of caliber clones to trade off for a smaller battery. Not bad.


This is what we call a comedy classic.


Very useful anecdotal evidence, thank you @Call-me-krampus

I got skull-fucked on most of my orders to TB, thanks dex!


would anyone who has the type R be willing to measure the enclosureā€™s dimensions for me? trying to determine if it can fit on my vanguard

If you ask this on the BKB facebook owners group youā€™ll get a reply real fast. There is an active community of BKB owners there.

Also, Iā€™m 99% sure the new type R deck is basically the same width as the original Duo and it is much wider than a vanguard. It makes deck swaps pretty annoying, as not much will fit width wise and you need clearance for the double stack battery.

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