Bindings info and guides. MBS F5, Trampa bindings, Freebord, diy etc...

Freebord style good if you do mean light jumping & you don’t have complete chicken legs. If you’re off-road on dirt or grass for most of your riding on the board full bindings would be better choice tho.


Street riding, yeah. I’m just looking to get over road construction plates and stuff without slowing to 2mph. I’ll make some open bindings, thanks :+1:

Exactly my thought process. Being fully locked to a board with tight bindings terrifies me. Glad I’m not alone :relieved:


I’d say go for the matrix 2s (not heel straps). I keep both of them loose enough that I can always slide my feet out if needed. It helps soooo much with the heelside turns and they’re very comfy.

The pro of the freebord style ones are that you can rotate them to your hearts desire. With mbs, you have to work around the existing holes or drill your own.

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I have a DIY deck so I’ll be setting the rotation custom either way. Between more snug open bindings vs. loose closed ones, which would you feel more confident with popping the front wheels over a pothole or curb?
And you just need to rotate your foot to slide out of the closed bindings, right?

I haven’t tried freebord style ones but based on how much I enjoy the cushiness of the F5s, I worry that the hard plastic composite feel would annoy me.

I don’t have to twist at all to take my foot out of my bindings. I just slide my foot right out. They act more like foot stops when I’m on road.


Well they don’t lock you in when you don’t want them to so the foot discomfort is only when you are in need of them. They also have optional pads.

This is 100% me also.

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Believe it or not this actually saved me from getting hurt

cant wait for my tomiboi racheting toehooks. Gonna try those on my mtb first. If i like em enough I’ll get a second set for my street meme board


Thick leather over a dense foam would be my recommendation.


I played around with the mounting hole adjustments on my F5 bindings since I hadn’t adjusted them since they came installed from the factory, and I was surprised at how drastically they changed the feel with a small adjustment. I moved the outer bracket inwards by just one hole, and that not only made locking into the brackets easier due to less distance between them, but also alleviated downwards pressure on the toe side bracket, which I did not modify. Previously I had the inner ladder at the very largest setting, but even that felt tight. Now with the outer bracket moved in by 5mm it changed the geometry just enough that I can tighten it down a click and still feel comfortable and unobtrusive. Are bindings really that sensitive to mounting position?


Honestly I set mine and forgot

You’re making me question looking into adjusting them though…

Very sensitive IMO which is why built in adjustability is so important. Need to design some ways to stack degrees of freedom into the most common bindings.


Agreed. I keep picturing the metal rotational part from the bottom of the freebord bindings with a thread for bindings to still stick in to.

Mounts to board then you screw in the bindings from the top.

I have it in cad somewhere. Will look after lunch.

How effective are the freebord bindings in making it easier to carve and keeping your feet in place? I am thinkin of adding them to my board to do some light racing but I am not wanting to use the mbs style because its a street board and the look of the freebord ones go way better with the look. I also don’t need super strong locking cause I will not be going off road.

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only slightly less effective than MBS F5 for carving, bit worse for jumping, but carving not much worse.

does it help with keeping me on the board say if I jerk the brake too hard?


Yes! i was on the fence, because id get a test board with out bindings and id move my feet around and like it , id get underfoot back(oh my board is "underfoot"after my first dog)
it has the Tomiboi spring clampbindings. I came around a corner,to find a fucktard had decided to U turn,blocking the whole road, iwas able to panic brake in a way id never be able to with out bindings. Also i have had to bunny hop rocks,so i know one day ill crash with the bindings and potentaly have problems getting out(i dont think so though) BUT I KNOW id have come off my board at least 3 times without bindings


also i can corner far harder with bindings

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