Big Reds Boards ( now live)

@I_am_groot feel free to chime here if you want too.

So he can talk to you but no one else?

(No animosity towards you, as you’re good people.)


I agree with your statement. Doesn’t take much. Yes or no even.

Or a I fucked up.

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He owes me a big ole battery that I’ve paid for back at the end of October and I’m hoping he follows through with it, as it took me some time to save up for. We’ve talked over Facebook messenger and he said he owes a few other people batteries that he is working full time to fulfill, but has no timeframe on completion. It’s been over a month now that I haven’t heard from him. He told me he has been going through a rough patch with mental health and I will leave that at that. I’m not ragging on the guy by any means as I’ve been there mentally as well. I just hope he is ok and makes it right with everyone he owes.


ok but why can’t he just send the money back then

I think he’s spent it and is why he is working full time to pay everything he owes back. It’s really messed up for sure but I can tell he is a good guy and will make it right with time.


considering that he has @hoytkid board litearlly FINISHED and he has ghosted him, I doubt it.

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I’ll throw my 2c in. I worked with Ted quite a bit fixing ESCs for him and he was generally great to work with.

I shipped a box of repaired ESCs before making sure the payment went through. My mistake. He never paid and ghosted me after that.

Thing is, I get it. Life is tough and sometimes it doesn’t go the way you want it to. You never truly know what someone else is dealing with, and these small one man operations are hard to maintain over time. Especially if your livelihood depends on it. It’s low volume, low profit work that takes a lot of hours.

No hard feelings on my end. He clearly has some talent and makes some cool stuff. It’s not easy to deliver bad news to people when you fall behind. I hope he can work through these issues and come out better for it.


Ted sold me aa complete and the battery was rebuilt, he promised me that if anything happened to the battery or anything he would take care of it. Sure enough ever since getting the board I had nothing but problems… And now the battery is not working right and he won’t answer me. Ghosted on a 2300$ board. Don’t buy from him.


Where are you located?

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I just want an update on my board if you can give me any or can get a message across to him about a board for Hunter Fox out of Pennsylvania i was worried about him because he hasnt answered me.


im so sorry to hear you guys have been burned. I wish you luck in getting resolution . glad i know where my guy lives,plus im more likely to dissapear than he is,i hope. Dont break my heart !

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Do you have Teds cell # you could send in an email. I need to try and get ahold of him.

Nobody’s been able to get a hold of him

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Yeah it’s going to be awhile before we get any contact. His not responding to
Me neither and someone tried meeting him in irl and that sounded like it was a waste.

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Any updates from those that were burned? This dude really did just fucking walk away from his obligations and moved to Utah. I feel like there are thousands and thousands of dollars still unaccounted for that this guy just disappeared with.

Nope. Jeffery never got his prototipo back.

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Wasn’t someone gonna roll up on his apartment

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This was the last thing I heard from the dude a few days after I received my build in November

I wish someone had