So close to done it hurts… working through the night on this one because @bboybowzer needs it for carve. It was a trade deal and I have had this board for entirely too long. Thanks for everything you have done for me Bao. You were one of my biggest inspirations to quit my job and start working for myself. (It will also be all your fault if I fail ) The community in this industry is once of the coolest I have come across in my entire life. Stay thirsty my friends…
If I was thirsty, that would imply that I wasn’t drinking… i’m not sure if I can condone this message.
Nice work on that battery dude, certainly doesn’t look like a walk in the park.
Oh I’ve been drinkin… this is the first battery I have built that would be between 2 conductive materials so it’s Xtra wrapped. Thanks man… it truly has been a beast… this is technically the second battery I ever built and I knowing what I know now I basically had to rework the whole thing…
How’s the brick pack looking??
You gotta pay to see that… maybe the owner will show you. Since it’s the same owner the build took precedence.
Dude you got to give me some battery porn that’s part of your business
You got to advertise your skills
Send the nudez of the battery lol. I’m too lazy to do’s. Build log here.
I new it was yours Bao
In my experience now I do this first… since this is my second battery. I didn’t… so now I have to face my skillz head on.
If Bao receives a black Xt90s i failed…
What do you think I’m doing here Jimmy?
Temporary… ha sending it out with out a charge port. Bao said I could try this one out. I saw that though. Good catch
Either way, make sure those terminals are well insulated. Even just testing on the bench with them like that is enough to make my nuts crawl back inside.