best option for bms in raptor 2 ??

Are you sure you dont want to check with me first? im litterly THE raptor guy… Got enough parts to make about 20 raptors… (all my parts have been modded as well)

I do promise you this - I have yet to see ANYONE succesfully repair a raptor, not because people are morons, its because theres no assmembly guide, Nothing states that the Silicone Pad, Is the KEY to the whole board working… if compression of the pad is off , the whole thing rattles apart over time…

for me raptors are transport - I have no car. I ride everywhere, 40-60km per day… 5000km later, still on the same Thane, all is well.

So again its no insult to you, Jason did this on purpose so people had to get these things repaired :confused:

Long story short, My raptors are what Jason Potters Dream raptor was . before he screwed over the manufacteruers :stuck_out_tongue:

Also have the OG Motors, 1/2nd Gen those things are beast.

Just run it bypassed

Yea I’ll have to do some research because I have no idea what that means. It’s out of stock anyway (at least in europe)

Instead of your negative battery lead running only running to the bms, you have a second negative battery lead that runs to you components. Theres more to it but that’s the jist of it